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There has been no progress updates since I've originally planned just to add couple of features and make an update. However, list of features grew a bit. 

This update is a first batch of new things such as traits and combat expansions. You can expect things grow further soon. 

Warn: Previously generated traits, items and slaves might act unpredictably. For safe experience start a new game. Otherwise, make sure to report those issues. 

 The link: https://strive4power.itch.io/strivepatreon/download/hJroIuAn1zmV3sZvtCXyX0PFnBQChYEELyQ_DmQ9  


  • Fixed obedience issue for some slaves


  • Beauty potion no longer remove 'Scarred' trait
  • Deterrent potion no longer removes 'Sex-crazed' trait
  • Fixed some effects not applying correctly (i.e. beauty potion)
  • Fixed an issue with slave selection in some cases


  • Added sprite for Forest Spirit
  • Fixed stunned characters not wearing off the debuff
  • Fixed player character sometimes getting random traits on game start


  • Added Clarity Potion to list of brewable items
  • Fixed enemies escape causing combat to freeze


  • Added numeric descriptions to traits
  • Added more traits
  • Added Elixir of Clarity: Allows to remove 1 mental trait
  • Added option to Laboratory to remove physical traits (requires tier 2)
  • Added option to Laboratory to change eye color
  • Added soft random portrait selection from usermade portraits (see options for more details)
  • Added sound volume option in addition to music volume
  • Some potions are added to loot tables
  • End day slave effects now won't trigger for slaves not present at mansion and are calculated before rules (should prevent accidents when contraception wears off and does not get time to reapply)
  • Slave tooltip now also displays traits
  • Mutation can now provide a random trait
  • Enemies now have more abilities to utilize
  • Heavy Strike now has a chance to stun target
  • Fixed and rebalanced many combat abilitites
  • Fixed impregnation chance
  • Fixed rape defeated sequence sometimes executing wrong
  • Fixed starting slave getting an additional not selected trait
  • Fixed "Escape" action breaking combat on nonescapeable fights



when in a fight, if the enemies try to flee the battle freezes and no further actions can be taken leaving you stuck


Hang on, when did Emily's portrait and full body picture change ? Is there a way to change it back, or can we have them so we can put them in the custom folder ?


This version. You can grab files from previous version and paste them over. They are obfuscated, but should work the same.


bug in 0.5.15a when you are stunned you stay stunned


Sometimes, some characters get randomly negative status and end day issue happen again.


I am pretty exited for new traits.


You know, with the mutation system, perhaps it could work where you could study the mutations and learn to apply them in the lab as they happen


nice to see some new trais with additional effects, btw is a negativ obed_mod now working correctly with grateful (in 0.5.13, greatful pretty much overwrote any additional modifier) personally i want to create a "overlord" trait, bunch of additional stats and a high negative obedience modifier, however thanks to greatful, the downside was pretty much non existend.


To my knowing, "Grateful" only affects part of the code related to luxury checks. How would it relate to obedience modifier?


ver 5.15b Win64 This pair of errors is repeating with every mouse click after an End day event. IThe event seems to run OK, this loop continues until I quit and restart. ERROR: Node not found: screenchange/AnimationPlayer At: scene/main/node.cpp:1524 SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Attempt to call function 'is_playing' in base 'null instance' on a null instance. At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gd:111


Is or could be some way to play main quests in sanbox?


supporter panel not working and beauty mixture not working


No, the point of sandbox mode is to let players have access to all stuff locked behind main quest from day one.


Hello. You have my support as of now :) Enjoyed the game a lot.


I noticed this as well. Bug in 0.5.15b Win64 - * Supporter panel - Select slave option does not display content in window. Instead it opens new window behind other open option windows. / Beauty mixture does not increase beauty values for slaves or player character, number remains unchanged.


Just had to come back and say thank you for such a great game! It's quite fun and entertaining!


Fix for anyone who wants the supporter panel to work (I couldn't figure out how to print debug statements to console nor could I figure out the stupid nodepath thing to work so I had to hack with a bunch of get_parent calls and a bunch of print_tree_pretty(): func _hide_cheat_options(): # Hide the settings panel get_node("TabContainer/Supporter section/cheatpanel").get_parent().get_parent().get_parent().hide() # Hide the cheat menu get_node("TabContainer/Supporter section/cheatpanel").hide() func _show_cheat_options(new_selection): # Show the settings panel get_node("TabContainer/Supporter section/cheatpanel").get_parent().get_parent().get_parent().show() # Show the cheat menu get_node("TabContainer/Supporter section/cheatpanel").show() self.call('_on_cheatpanel_visibility_changed', new_selection) func _on_selectslave_pressed(): if get_tree().get_current_scene().find_node('mansion'): self._hide_cheat_options() get_tree().get_current_scene().selectslavelist(true, '_show_cheat_options', self)


Replace the code under the function _on_selectslave_pressed found in files/scripts/options.tres.gd


Bug in 0.5.15b Win64 - Servant with both frail and clumsy traits immediately passed out from alcohol overdose when selecting "chat" interaction. Chat was first option I selected after changing location. (Tried once going to the city streets, and once to garden, same thing both times) Save file : <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l0ezzu2sc0u0jil/AAC9Zxhehn6x3UOBAAhDacz3a?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l0ezzu2sc0u0jil/AAC9Zxhehn6x3UOBAAhDacz3a?dl=0</a> Uploaded screenshot of servant interaction for reference as well


I started a new game as suggested and I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong... but I literally have no chance of winning even the easiest fight with the new system. Am i doing something wrong? With the first money I bought a longsword and even got ass whooped by 2 Level 1 bandits. :(


Thank you very much for the latest update! Looks good so far :)


So, where in the options are the random portrait selector details? I can't seem to find em. Also, great update!


How do I get rid of disobedience by some slaves who need additional training? Eg I recruited Maple (new game) and her obedience refuses to rise, and she's actively instigating others.


Which disobedience you mean? There's a captured state which prevents obedience from raising until some time passes. Generally keeping them in jail should work in most cases, then there's also fear inducing actions.


Bug in 0.5.15c Win64: All Rich or higher status servants start with 0 obedience and do not increase in obedience after using punishments, maid/butler clothes, lowering grade etc. (I lowered Nina and Urimys's grades before attempting maid clothes with zero improvement after day's end.) Folder with screenshots and new save file: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2vm2zivtuo7a7ok/AADOCVGAkLbmDSMgaS7kj0T3a?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2vm2zivtuo7a7ok/AADOCVGAkLbmDSMgaS7kj0T3a?dl=0</a> Hopefully this link sharing works... Let me know if it doesn't and I'll upload with another site


Is it intended that the Devoted trait raises luxury requirement? I have a character with the same grade as others and same living conditions (only difference is Devoted) and she has much higher luxury demands. It shows up in the end of day summary that she's unhappy (but I didn't see an actual obedience drop, maybe because I have maid uniform and other + obedience items on her)


./files/scripts/items.gd: person.stats.obed_mod += value ./files/scripts/characters/constructor.gd: person.stats.obed_mod = 25 ./files/scripts/characters/constructor.gd: person.stats.obed_mod = -20 ./files/scripts/characters/constructor.gd: person.stats.obed_mod = -40 ./files/scripts/slavegen.gd: obed_mod = 0, ./files/scripts/slavegen.gd: person.stats.obed_mod = 25 ./files/scripts/slavegen.gd: person.stats.obed_mod = -20 ./files/scripts/slavegen.gd: person.stats.obed_mod = -40 ./files/scripts/traits.gd: "obed_mod": 0.25 ./files/scripts/traits.gd: "obed_mod": 0.25 ./files/scripts/traits.gd: "obed_mod": -0.2 ./files/scripts/traits.gd: "obed_mod": -0.2 ./files/scripts/traits.gd: "obed_mod": 0.4 ./files/globals.gd: obed_mod = 1, ./files/globals.gd: stats.obed_cur += difference*stats.obed_mod ./globals.gd: obed_mod = 0, ./globals.gd: stats.obed_cur += difference*(1 + stats.obed_mod/100) ➜ strive Seems like a bug with the obed_mod values being 100x too large in files/globals.gd


I don't believe devoted is anyhow connected to luxury. As for obedience drop from lack of luxury, its proportional to the number of luxury you provide (less luxury == more obedience drop). Also they only complain about luxury after some time.


ver 0.5.15d Win64: - Error when attempting to view servant tooltip during intimacy minigame. Re-downloaded, clean install, started new game, still shows up. SCRIPT ERROR: slavedescription: Invalid get index 'unique' (on base: 'Reference ()'). At: res://files/scripts/newsexsystem.gd:588


Beauty Tattoo has no effect Fix: effects.gd replace with the following: nature1 = {code = 'nature1', beautybase=5}, nature2 = {code = 'nature2', beautybase=10}, nature3 = {code = 'nature3', beautybase=15}, This fix will only apply to new tattoos that are applied, not any old ones with no effect.


Looks like Beauty Mixture isn't working. Update - actually, something is wrong. Where it says "she appears to be pretty average looking (40), my starting character now has (20) and the number was teal. After I used the beauty mixture, it went back to (40) and the normal text white color (normally the teal shows an effect is in place, not the reverse). But I don't think it was like that from the start. I guess the only changes that was done to this character was the Nympho specialization later in the game but not sure if that caused any issues or not.


Weird, I don't see any problems with current effects on the latest version. Are you sure about that?


Are you using the latest release? I believe this issue was fixed already.


I'm on the latest. Is there some way/reason to drop from (40) to (20) as far as appeal goes besides being scarred? Cause my first character is currently at (20) and its teal. I then used the mixture and now its at (40) and standard text color. I started a new game, used beauty mixture and it works as it should. Which means there is some other bug related issue here. I tried using the lab and enhancements/appearance to make it a little better but same thing is happening just switching from (50) to (70) now. - <a href="https://youtu.be/CbBmYPSZk5A" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/CbBmYPSZk5A</a>


Sure. - <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KjMwC8JPuLx5zCRO4IejbDSJB4McZbmz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KjMwC8JPuLx5zCRO4IejbDSJB4McZbmz</a> couldn't figure out how to private message but its fine.


Seems like an issue left from some older patch. I've fixed it for your save. <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1b251U8cO-C7mMCYh__ZY-Cp9NzZ0PWnl" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=1b251U8cO-C7mMCYh__ZY-Cp9NzZ0PWnl</a> Let me know if something similar happens again.


Really not a fan of the new Emily - in the future, when changing portraits, would it be possible to add a "Use new/old" in the options menu?


Have captured slaves after combat their not appearing in the house/jaIl


SCRIPT ERROR: combatant.health_set: Invalid get index 'rect_global_position' (on base: 'previously freed instance'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:555 sometimes occures during a targets escape turn


All Interactions on servants with a negative Endurance value cause them to "pass out from alcohol overdose". This happens even on brand new saves, and happens every time. This makes it difficult/impossible to properly train new slaves with the Frail trait. Is this an intended side effect of negative Endurance?


Is there a way for me to access the portraits that are offered at the beginning for your character in the game for your slaves?


You can access them indirectly, depending on what you want to do with those.


ver 5.15d Win64. New game started in 5.15d Finished the main questline finally, here are a few issues I noticed. 1. Some slave appear unable to gain obedience and/or loyalty. One was the MC's child, one was a captured slave, and one was Ayneris. Grade didn't seem to matter, the child was a commoner, the captured slave was poor and Ayneris is noble. There was no option to increase their obedience in the supporter options panel. The option was present for other slaves. I finally edited the save file, which did work. 2. Towards the end of the main questline, my combat group consisted of Emily (bodyguard), Cali(ranger), and Ayernis (assassin). When out on exploring with multiple encounters, Emily's and Cali's stress reset to zero, Ayneris's did not. Emily and Cali have high max endurance so maybe that explains the lower stress. 3.During the final episode of the main questline, after Hades is defeated, Melissa appears with one of the MC's slaves. Several times in the following dialogues, the name of the of the MC and the name of the threatened slave are reversed.


I'm curious how the threatened slave a the end of the main questline is chosen. I've completed the quest seven times, all but one in previous versions. Four times Cali was the threatened slave and three times it was the starting slave.


It is the slave you spend most time with to make choice more impactful. The actual forumal is : days in posession + times of sex*3 + battles won*2 + level*7 slave with highest score wins.


i cant accept calis feelings or stay friends it just sticks me there


isnt 5.19 the newest version?