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As we are not quite ready to present the next patch yet, I've decided to fill you up on the ongoing progress.
Good news: the combat system script revamp is basically finished. It still lacks some parts, which I hope to add before next release, but at this point its fairly functional. New features and changes include:
  • Player going first, actions trigger during player's turn
  • Floating damage text
  • Simplified number calculation (20 attack will deal 20 damage on basic attack if it connects and so on)
  • Some minor QoL goods

Slave tooltips are mostly omnipresent now, hopefully this will make general browsing way more convenient (if you have other suggestions what should be displayed there, feel free to propose).

Also support custom portraits. Fixed relatives screen also include those (plus links to presented slaves which can be used to navigate).

Last major change, Hade's sprite rework. 

Obviously I haven't mentioned some small changes and fixes, but full changelog will be provided on the release day as usual. 

What's not done yet, is debugging and some more beautification to the combat. Ideally, it shouldn't take more than this week to finish.

Thank you for the attention! 



Could you make the spreadsheet view button available by default? Not just when there are a large amount of slaves?


You can do it by yourself fairly easily. In mansion.gd remove this code: if (globals.slaves.size() >= 8 && headgirl == true) || globals.developmode == true: get_node("charlistcontrol/slavelist").show() else: get_node("charlistcontrol/slavelist").hide()


right tooltip side seems kinda empty, maybe add traits to them (if known)