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The link:  https://strive4power.itch.io/strivepatreon/download/hJroIuAn1zmV3sZvtCXyX0PFnBQChYEELyQ_DmQ9  



  • Fixed some mindread instances not working
  • Fixed an end day bug related to fear


  • Fear and Sedation spells can now be used during the interaction
  • Fear spell effectiveness grows with Player's Magic
  • Sedation spell no longer improves obedience when its very low
  • Sedation spell now also slightly reduces fear
  • Dream spell now benefits from Player's Magic Affinity but basic effect slightly reduced
  • Slaves won't ask for Specialization for levelup until level 4
  • Added search option to inventory
  • Added option to rename gear items
  • Slave's sex in guild now displayed with icon
  • Player group panel now shows slave XP bar instead of lust
  • Datings and sex actions will properly reset slave's attention
  • Praises and Punishments renamed into Discipline
  • Gift option now improves loyalty
  • Fear now sticks to the slave and lasts for days giving boost to obedience depending on slave's stats
  • Teaching action now tied to stress instead of mood and cause stress to raise. High wit reduces stress gain
  • Clingy trait will start its effect after 15 loyalty
  • When repairing old save player group will be cleared to fix the removal issue
  • Added new costume and accessory enchantments
  • Fixed a bug causing one of the mutations to fail
  • Fixed toggling abilities from character info in combat not updating ability bar



Getting a weird bug where the energy status is getting stuck at 0%, going to a new day doesn't renew it.


Bug: no pop-up window when using Mindread after a fight, but it still uses Mana. Tested and confirmed on both a repaired saved game and a new game.


Win64 ver 5.11a. When buying the Umbra stone from Sebastion a Confirm button appeared in the final dialogue window. The following error appeared. SCRIPT ERROR: _on_confirm_pressed: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_meta' in base 'Nil'. At: <built-in>:319 Looks like that Confirm button is not suppose to be there. Clicking outside the dialog window closed it with no further errors.</built-in>


Bug: No daily pop up after each day end, interactions don't reset every day.


Bug: when clicking see relative button the box is empty OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: GeForce GTX 960M/PCIe/SSE2 Boot splash path: res://files/buttons/loading.png SCRIPT ERROR: _on_relativesbutton_pressed: Invalid operands 'String' and 'int' in operator '=='. At: res://files/scripts/slave_tab.gd:441


This happens when a previous error has caused the End Day routine to crash. Try exiting the game and restarting. Then watch the console window carefully for the error that causes the End Game routine to crash.


I noticed that if you change the time you have for interactions that it effects the sexual actions page but does not effect the "meet" interactions page. What is the variable for actions under "meet" interaction. I haven't found it yet.


nice game


i tried to start a new game from frostford, and after a lot of effort i managed to get to wimborn and buy the teleport stone. but when i tried to use it from the mansion, the portal did not show up.

Shaun Holmes

Mav after you finished tweeks will we see new places and races. and more minor quest NPC's we can get and get a chance to have Alise as a proper NPC. As i love how this going even if i have not been playing due to a ear problem thanks to World of Tanks.


0.5.11a, Win 64: Reproducable bug. Get a few guys and girls. First, use entrancement on all the guys just to make the results more pronounced. Let the guys tie up all the girls, and then go to town on them while spanking them wildly. Result: Most of the guys become masochists. Erm. What? Pretty sure that should be "Sadist", if anything...