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With another area covered we can move on onto second most popular section: bad reputation options. I have couple of ideas, but main goal is to make a distinctive route for evil approach. 

In same time I wanna add more to the exploration and combat: more difficult enemies and better rewards. There's also gear enchantments which I want to implement in near future, but those shouldn't be too much of a problem. 

The other good news, is that I figured out how to finish main quest plot in at least somewhat satisfied manner without changing too much and this will be my next goal. 

Once we take care of all that we could actually call game partly finished. Obviously, there's still some room for improvements and expansions, but we could at very least label it as Beta. Why I'm bringing that? It has been nearly a year since I took godot engine and has been working on the game, although it feels like it has been a lot longer. So I also consider starting different project with all experience and insights I got while working at strive. I have a lot of gaming experience of various genres and I wish to create something great reflecting what I love, be it narrations or gameplay. Naturally, strive also is influenced by this kind of approach. 

Obviously, Strive will be supported and kept working on to an extent, but I don't feel like leeching from it indefinitely long like some developers do. I'm not entirely sure how to distribute Strive after that. In ideal world I'd obviously just put it into public domain, but since you can't hope to get money for future projects at will (and some parts of what I have in mind will likely cost a lot), it makes me consider putting a price tag on it. In either case this will be a decision for future. This won't probably happen until next year, but I don't wish to drag it much further, than let's say, 2018 summer (estimated latest date). 

I'm hoping that my work specifically around gameplay features and ideas made game enjoyable and carry itself even when we had no art at all. I hope people actually like more complex games with many various options to experiment with as I think there's not enough games like this in the mobile era. 

0.4.48 public release will come out on next week and I will post about next update some time before then. Thank you for your attention and support and see you soon. 


Alex McGregor

All I can suggest on the Strive front is, having it be Free, but keeping the Cheat Menu for your Subs would both get the game out there while also giving people reason to pay something

Shaun Holmes

would love to see more jobs and weapons, clothes ect. Also sort out having quest just to having a dick, come on why not add a lesbian element to game. rest of game looking great though


Because `1. some scenes won't work when you have no dick (Yris, for example) 2. if we go to make lesbian versions of quests that basically means twice as much writing for every scene and I'm already pushing myself a lot while writing them. Maybe if I find a dedicated writer, but right now making a lesbian version of every scene is just an unreasonable amount of work.


Please do something to let us up the stat caps on the PC and slaves, at the moment, even with the lab work, it is rather easy to max those out and then have a pile of ability points wasted without using the cheats.


PC stats need slight rework, but in general I do not plan to raise stat cap as it would break balance. I can only reduce amount of attribute points to make progress slower.


Is there a way to permanently increase beauty, just asking.


There's a one time operation in the lab. Alternatively, some gear increases it.


I really like the game, and so far every update have made it better, pictures arent that inportant to these kinds of games I belive, I like the wrighting, I'd like more quests if possible, I always start a new game every update, and I mearly want more of it, dont get me wrond I know its alot of work to make the quest stories, soo just keep up the great work