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Thank you, everyone, for waiting. This gonna be one lengthy update. 

Link is at the usual place:  



  • Fixed reputation worsening from rescued strangers
  • Added one time option to improve slave's basic beauty in laboratory 


  • Fixed supporter tab issues
  • Fixed sidecharacters beauty stat
  • Fixed Tisha being naked in interactions where she shouldn't
  • Fixed some levelingup errors
  • Fixed main character portrait position
  • Fixed demon player start
  • Fixed some quest issues


Leveling System

  • Implemented new leveling system: for more info consult with tutorial section
  • Skillpoints renamed into Attribute Points
  • Abilities no long require attribute points to learn
  • Slave's levelup requirement can be rerolled with oblivion potion
  • Ability level requirements adjusted to new system
  • Every level divides received exp by its number: if you normally get 10 exp, you will get 10/2 for 2nd level, 10/3 for 3rd level etc (still require 100% exp to levelup) 

Slave price adjustments:  

  • Selling raw slave price increased to 0.6 from 0.45 
  • Removed health cutting price in half for any slave below 50 health
  • Base beauty gives higher boost to price (2.5 instead of 2)
  • Slaves won't cost more due to physical attributes but will increase in price from their level (50 base cost for every level)
  • Slave's raw price won't drop due to low obedience, instead rebellious slave's price will be cut in half
  • Fixed tooltip showing wrong price on slave sell list


  • Fighting strangers will reduce your reputation even if you leave them after win
  • Escaped enemies now grant 2/3 of their exp
  • Fixed bug which made player receive different exp from slaves after combat
  • Elf Guard Enemy slightly buffed
  • Added icons for missing items
  • Replaced 3 old background
  • By default Alise will only appear after daily event on day end
  • Alise's text speed slightly increased
  • Alise can be dismissed with Escape at any moment
  • Redone talk function into dialogue (will also feature character sprites if those exist)
  • Removed surnames from unique characters who didn't really needed them
  • Added new minor sidequest-encounter to Amberguard area
  • Added new armor to Amberguard market
  • Dolin renamed to Chloe
  • Chloe's encounter does not require scouting check anymore
  • Chloe's quest now rewards with Domination spell on good option
  • Chloe can be recruited with some chance after her quest is finished in positive maner
  • Emily's and Tisha's naked sprites added to their early scenes
  • Tisha's sprite updated in scale to fit with others
  • Beauty potion price reduced to 50 from 75
  • Some corrections to the character portraits at slave tab
  • Made it less likely to get stuck on background change making mouse useless
  • Minimal chance to hit in combat is now 5% instead of 0
  • Minor improvements to sound settings
  • Fixed side panel not showing up when you start the game, making people question how to get out of mansion
  • Fixed obedience icon not showing low obedience correctly (should help against spontanously escaping slaves)
  • Fixed characters who join you voluntarily having very low obedience 
  • Fixed window switch between prisoners and normal slaves not updating some buttons and background
  • Fixed Emily not losing 'no sex' tag if you chosen to keep her after branding Tisha
  • Fixed bug causing youthing potion to reduce tits below supposed limits
  • Fixed kimono item
  • Fixed Yris not being recruitable
  • Fixed learning abilities for player without having skillpoints
  • Fixed slaves sometime showing wrong portraits
  • Fixed geisha bug



with access panel, can't select slaves

Shaun Holmes

Right downloaded. Mav will go through whole game today and tonight and try and get any bugs or glitches sorted. Lucky you dropped update on day I have zero anime to watch.

Shaun Holmes

Mav cheat panel you cant access slaves and have 2 error reports for it. Also seems first mage quest bugged as 100% obedience, Average looks and human female, Found problem Average looks 50% percent beauty or higher may need to add that it to quest mav. will send send save file as cheat system not working for lvling up you or slaves.


When I began story mode as demon I got nothing( no resouces + no weapon + no money) when choosing mercenary SCRIPT ERROR: _on_slaveconfirm_pressed: Invalid get index 'skillpoints' (on base: 'int'). At: res://files/scripts/mainmenu.gd:835 SCRIPT ERROR: _on_confirm_pressed: Invalid get index '-1' (on base: 'Array'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:762


error I'v had so far is I'm unable to get Irvan when I ckick the option to take him to the mansion I get error then second time I get told to visit an alcemist but it stops there no mather where in the map I go (to the alcemist or not) nothing happens, second error is with calis quest, when I take out the bandits and have the choice og brining the granddagther of shalq village chief back or kiddnapp or seduce nothing works no mather how many times I click, also was wondering is there a way too keep that elf u get to punich at amber road?

Shaun Holmes

Elf at amber road new quest so not yet. Kinda knew this update was gunna have sum big issues with all the new stuff. Happened before when Mav changed a lot of stuff for the better.


I apologize for my question, but I am fairly new to this game...do I just extract the zip file to the original folder, or do i just delete it and make a new folder for this zip and start fresh?

Shaun Holmes

Make a game folder called strive and unzip to there and keep or delete the zip file up 2 you, when you download new update, unzip to strive and replace files in location. hope that helps

Shaun Holmes

Also nice work on gallery and fact Frostford now a place you can start at. Might try frostford. Mav can you change add upgrade points to where we can add a number as I have to click like mad to get any where close to unlocking most things maybe in next update 0.4.50 as it getting a pain, also when you use upgrade points it does not go down and will ony show how many you got.


So in this patch the starting servant's beauty is fixed to 40?

Shaun Holmes

Not always you got to hunt around for girls for higher beauty and looks, makes it fun trying to get all servants with 75+ beauty so when you add tats get 100 beauty.


Will it be possible to increase base beauty for both slaves and yourself in the future?


Rescuing people from bullying bandits seems to reduce reputation now even if we leave them alone. Is this intentional or a side effect of the new code for reputation when fighting strangers?


Ver 4.48 Win64. On the cheat panel, when Select slave button is clicked, no slave is selected and the following message appears in the console. SCRIPT ERROR: _on_cheatpanel_visibility_changed: Invalid get index ‘skillpoints’ (on base: ‘float’). At: res://files/scripts/options.tres.gd:139


Get the nearly the same error when attempting to add skill points to the MC on the cheat panel


Ver 4.48 Win64. Using an old save from 47b, the Gallery is empty. No character listed and no portraits.


There's not much in terms of gallery support for older saves. New gallery should keep track of what you've unlocked during all playthrough though.


is it a bug that captive also lower reputation after released or is that how is supposed to be?


Cali's quest bugged on me. Got to the slaver camp where you rescue the girl after fighting the slavers. The dialogue comes up to take her home or kidnap her but neither is working for me, have to force quit the game.


Relatively new to the game so I may have missed this - but was wondering if I was missing something or if there is no option to augment the sizes of the slaves you get. I know maturing potion might trigger a growth (if the slave is a teen) but other than that, is there no other option available other than to go catch someone who has the right sizes? Don't really want to give up the 89 beauty I caught >


Height is not alterable as of yet (and probably won't be). You can manually edit save though, as they are stored in a readable format.


Ah apologies if I wasn't clear. I meant things like bust size and butt size etc. I know the lab allows you to make alterations but I only saw options for extra nipples and not actually growing the size. Did I miss something and if I didn't, are there plans to insert this into the lab or should I just go try catching a new one?


Tits and butt sizes can be altered with minorus and majorus potions.


is there an issue with more than 2 slavers ? currently iam "freeing" victims in gorns mountain ridge(3- 5 slavers) my rep increases per freed slave, eg: 2 times for 2 slaves, however it worsens for every potential slave, lets say 2 captured slavers and 2 victims -> 4 x minus rep and 2x positve rep

Shaun Holmes

Yes it a bug, it seems that for sum reason when you Encounter bully's, slavers you get docked points for captive slave and get points as well. So you get zero points at the min, It sumhow reading the captives as being an encounter with stranger. hop this helps, mav will be trying to fix it as soon as he can me guesses.


There's a bug with the elf noble that joins you in Amberguard, the event doesn't seem to ever flag as complete so every time you try to go to the market there it will fire, allowing you to recruit her an unlimited number of times.


Noticed something odd with the ninja outfit while messing around, it's currently permanently adding one to a character's agility when it's equipped instead of just giving a flat "+1 to base agility", which causes weird results if it's equipped at below max agility or if you un-equip and re-equip it.


Ver 4.48b Win64 When the required level up item is a piece of gear (clothing, weapons, armor), on clicking the button to give it to the slave, the event terminates with no acknowledgement or text. The level-up does occur. The following error is shown in the console. SCRIPT ERROR: gearlevelup: Invalid get index ‘value’ (on base: ‘Dictionary’). At: res://files/scripts/jobs&specs.gd131


Oops... for a quick fix, you can open files/scripts/jobs&specs.gd and put line 131 one step above.