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DARIUS is in the bathroom, doing as one does, when - POOF - he suddenly turns into a cute female version of himself with long, dark hair falling in his face. He sweeps it aside and looks down at himself in horror.

DARIUS: What the hell?

He realizes something is in his hand, and when he holds it up he sees it's a tampon with a dangling string.

DARIUS: Oh, no. No, no, no, this can't be happening!


CLYDE, DARIUS' roommate, is playing a video game when the bathroom door flies open and DARIUS leans out.

DARIUS: Dude, emergency!

CLYDE gets up and moves closer, squinting at his friend.

CLYDE: D-Darius..?

DARIUS reaches out and grabs CLYDE in a death grip.

DARIUS: It's me, dude! I'm totally a girl! All over!

CLYDE: Holy shit! How did it happen?

DARIUS: Well... you know that chick I hit on at the bar last night, the one who shot me down? She called me a douche-nozzle, and I told her she was probably just being nasty because she was on the rag...

CLYDE: Yeah. Real classy, by the way.

DARIUS: Well, I think she must've put a magic whammy me or something. Not only did I turn into a girl, but all of a sudden the bathroom's full of all this stuff for, you know... girl periods. There's tampons, there's pads, there's these weird cup things. It's like the chick aisle at the pharmacy, in here!

They move out to the couch and sit.

CLYDE: Come on, there's no such thing as magic whammies. It's probably just... I don't know, a real bad hormone imbalance or something.

DARIUS: Yeah... maybe you're right. I'll go to the doctor, get some male hormone shots, and soon I'll... (He shifts uncomfortably and realizes there's something on the couch poking his back.) What the hell...?

He takes out a purse, and when he looks inside he finds an unopened package of tampons. He shrieks and flings the pack across the room.

CLYDE: Yeah, OK. You totally got magic whammied.

DARIUS: Oh, god, I think I just felt a cramp... and my boobs are getting sore! I need a hot water bottle, lots of chocolate ice cream and a marathon of Ryan Gosling movies on Netflix, now.


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