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We see a man sitting at a restaurant table with his pregnant wife. A waiter is taking the woman's order.

She: Mmm, the pasta primavera sounds nice. Maybe I'll -

He: She'll have the salad! (He turns to her.) You may be knocked up, but I don't want you getting too fat on me.

Female voice over: Are you tired of your husband making insensitive, sexist comments about your pregnancy? Do you wish he could see what it's like to be pregnant? Well, now he can!

The man suddenly changes into a woman and his belly swells out over his belt. His wife looks surprised for a moment, but then she smirks. The man doesn't seem to be aware of his transformation yet.

He: The pasta primavera does sound good, though...

The man's belly grows larger. He shifts in his seat, looking a bit uncomfortable, but he still hasn't still looked down and seen his changes. He turns to speak to the waiter.

He: I'll have that, with a side of fries. Really greasy french fries... with maple syrup!

Female Voice Over: Just slip your hubby a single dose of Preggosin and soon he'll have a baby bump bigger than yours!

The man's belly grows even larger so he appears to be at least six months pregnant, but he's too distracted with his order to notice.

He: And, do you have any gummy bears? And those little fish crackers? And maybe...

He finally looks down and sees his big, round belly straining the buttons of his shirt. He frowns.

He: Uh... Actually, it looks like I've put on a little weight myself lately. Maybe I'll just have the salad too. With extra croutons. And for the dressing, I'll have chocolate sauce...

As he continues his order his voice fades and we hear the announcer again.

Female Voice Over: Feminizations caused by Preggosin are irreversible and pregnancies will be too far along to terminate. Rare cases of super-fertility have been reported. Men given Preggosin will experience all of the typical effects of pregnancy, which may include substantial weight gain, frequent nausea and heartburn, breast tenderness and swelling, unusual food cravings, mood swings, increased urination, changes in sex drive, gingivitis and more. Once your husband has been impregnated, promptly consult an obstetrician.

As we come out of the voice over, the man is just finishing his order.

He: ... Honeynut Cheerios with chili sauce, and a glass of red wine.

His wife giggles.

She: No wine for you, honey! We can't be drinking... in our condition.

He: Huh? What's that supposed to mean? (He suddenly jolts in his seat and puts his hand on his belly. He looks stunned, the reality of his situation finally sinking in.) Oh, my God. Did I just feel a... kick?

His wife turns and gives the camera a big, smug grin.

She: Thank you, Preggosin!