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Happy wedding day, Fred! Today you're planning to marry another gullible rich girl, then cheat her out of her fortune and run out on her. You just need a shower and a shave, then it's time to put on your tuxedo...

But as you look in the mirror... What's this, Fred? Soft puffs of weird, white, frilly fabric are blooming like flowers on your chest!

Soon you have lace and frills popping up all over your body! You try to brush them off, but they're stuck tight to your skin. You feel a tickle down the back of your neck, and realize you're suddenly wearing a veil...

The bits of fabric are merging together now, forming into a white dress. Your hair is growing quickly too, and it seems to be going ginger. Your face looks strange in the mirror, younger and softer. Your stubble is gone, and with every blink your lashes are longer...

Your bones are aching and you can see your muscles fading away, leaving you little and soft. OUCH! You feel a sudden, thudding pain down low, like the worst kick in the balls ever. Poor Freddie! Without even lifting your skirt to check, you know your manhood is gone.

You trip on the hem of your dress and stumble back onto the couch in your room. Your body is burning up and you hear yourself groaning in a high, unfamiliar voice.

There's a sudden pain across your chest, a terrible stretching feeling. The swell of plump new breasts, filling out the neckline of your dress.

You look in the mirror... and see a gorgeous, ginger bride. Yes, Fred, that girl is really you! Look at your big, beautiful eyes, your button nose and your creamy complexion. And look at your cleavage! You've got bigger boobs than a lot of your girlfriends!

But your hair hasn't quite finished growing... and neither have your boobies! Every trace of the man you were is gone, and with every moment you're becoming more lovely and feminine...

Finally you feel everything settle and you gaze in horror at your new self. You reach up to tug off your veil but it's fixed firmly in place. You tug harder, and harder, but your veil simply won't come loose.

You panic and try to rip off your wedding dress, but you find that it won't come off either... and pulling too hard at the fabric actually hurts. There are no zippers to unzip, no snaps to unsnap, no buttons to unbutton. You think about taking a pair of scissors to the dress, but some instinct tells you that would be a very bad idea.

That's when you realize the truth. You may look like you're wearing a big, poofy princess dress... but you're not. All of the taffeta and lace are actually part of your skin now, growing from your body. You are the wedding dress, and the wedding dress is you!

Your phone rings and you answer in a daze. It's one of the girls you married and ripped off. She's taught herself enough witchcraft to cast a spell on you, transforming you into this beautiful little bride... forever. You beg her to change you back but she just laughs and hangs up.

The ceremony will begin soon. Hundreds of guests will arrive at the church and sit in the pews, waiting for the bride and groom to walk down the aisle. You sit there clutching the phone in your little hands, feeling totally lost.

What will you do now, Fred? What will you do tomorrow? How will you live, as this girl in a wedding dress that never comes off?

A few months later, and you find yourself living a life you never could have imagined.

You are a bride, 24/7. Your dress never gets dirty, your hair never needs washing and your makeup never needs touching up. You wake up every morning looking like you're ready to walk down the aisle. Everywhere you go you hear whispers, strangers sighing to each other about how radiant you look, or wondering why some chick is wearing a wedding dress in the supermarket.

You work as an entertainer at kids' birthday parties, performing as Princess Frederique. You spend your afternoons surrounded by sweet little girls who tell you over and over again how beautiful you are, and how they all want to be just like you when they grow up.

You hated it at first (and you still hate the dads who make drunken passes at you) but you find that it's actually not such a bad job. You enjoy playing games with the girls and telling them stories in your high, fluttery Princess Frederique voice. Sometimes you even find yourself daydreaming about having kids of your own, and becoming a mommy.

Part of you wants to fight these new feelings, but you can't deny that you're actually happier this way than you ever were as a man. You like being beautiful. You like the way women look at you with envy, and men look at you with desire. And you can't help hoping that someday soon you'll meet your own Prince Charming and he'll make you a real bride...

Note: This illustrated story has a lot in common with my book, Changed into a Bride. If you want a long, slow, very detailed TG bridal transformation, that's the book for you!



One of my favorite stores of all time! From way back when it was on Fictionmania and then when you put it up on Amazon. Love the concept of it. And this story you have cooked up is interesting because it indicates she’s not trying to pursue a man so she can get the dress off. She’s just rolling with her new existence. How fun!


Thank you so much! Yeah, it's fun to imagine how Fred would actually learn to live like that, being stuck as beautiful bride 24/7.