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Something weird is happening with my Patreon posts today. I can see them OK when I go to Patreon.com/mindiflyth, but when I try to view published posts through the creator UI the post appears for just a second, then it vanishes and I see the title of the post twice, a note about when it was published and a note that the post is "unlocked"... but that's it. The actual post is gone.

I'm assuming this is a glitch but my Patreon got blocked a while ago for "adult content" so I'm a little paranoid Patreon is messing with me again. Today's Tight Leather and Shiny Silk post (HIS NANOBOT BABY BUMP) doesn't feature actual nudity but it's closer than I've gotten for a while, so I'm worried I might have been flagged or something. I'm tempted to take down the post just to be safe, but I put a lot of work into it and Patreon has it set up so I can only delete the post, not make it private or move it to drafts.

So, are you folks having trouble seeing my posts, or are they loading like normal?

UPDATE: I dunno what was going on, but it seems to be fixed.



Seems fine here.

Sex Wizard

I see the post