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She: OK, you're all done.

He: Wow! I really look like a girl!

She: You don't just look like a girl, honey. You are a girl, now.

He: You did a great job. These boobs are insane!

She: Well, you did say you wanted 'em big.

He: Just wait until my ex-girlfriend sees me. I'm gonna use this bod to make her think I'm dating a swimsuit model. She'll be so jealous, she'll be begging me to come back!

She: Uh...

He: So, how long will I look like this?

(Long pause.)

She: How long...?

He: Yeah. When do I change back into a guy?

(Another, longer pause.)

She: Um... change back?



Mmm! Sounds like another girl is stuck with some amazing boobs!