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God, you're the worst roommate ever! Instead of ever lifting a finger to clean up around here you're always dicking around in your room with your stupid little spellbooks, pretending you're a wizard or some shit! This place is a goddamn sty, and it's always my job to clean. What do I look like, your maid?

But, of course, I... I am your maid. I'm your maid, and... I am always happy to clean for monsieur.

Watch now, and I weel clean up. I weel vack-oom like zis, and I weel dust all of ze apartment, and zen I weel do all ze deeshes. But first, maybe I weel 'elp monsieur relax wiss a good massage, oui? Monsieur is tired, and he need to rest.

Mmm, monsieur's beeg strawng arms and shoul-dairs, zey are zo tight... but do not fret. Your good leetle maid, she weel make it all bett-air.


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