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Amy was having a lot of trouble getting pregnant, and when she tried a fertility spell her husband Derek teased her mercilessly.

"It's bullshit," he said. "All that magical mumbo-jumbo can't make somebody a mommy! God, you girls are so freakin' gullible!"

Amy ignored him, pointed the wand at her belly and spoke the incantation. Derek shook his head and turned to go, but then his back was hit with a hot whoosh of energy that sent him stumbling forward, doubled over. He felt a strange, queasy heaviness down low, like he'd swallowed a cannon ball and all of his guts were stretched out to make room for it.

There was long, dark hair hanging in Derek's face and getting in his eyes, and when he brushed it aside he saw Amy gawking at him. She bit her lip, obviously trying not to laugh.

"Sorry, honey," she said. "When I said the magic words, I guess I was holding the wand backwards..."