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A young man enters a dingy public restroom. He looks around for the urinals, doesn't see any, and realizes he's gone into the ladies' room by mistake. He's about to leave when he hears the sound of a girl sobbing, coming from one of the stalls. Her cries are heartbreaking, she sounds like she's in agony. He looks around, obviously hoping somebody else will deal with this, but nobody's there.

He: Uh, hello? Are you OK in there?

The stall door creaks open, revealing a very pregnant young woman sitting there. She looks up at him furiously, her cheeks streaked with tears.

She: What the hell are you doing in the ladies' room?

He: Sorry, I came in here by mistake. I was about to leave, but then... I heard you crying.

She: I'm fine. Leave me alone.

He: You don't look fine. I know this is none of my business, but if you need to talk...

He crouches down, getting on her level, and gives her a kind smile. She's quiet for a long moment and then she starts crying again.

She: I just... I don't want to be a mother, OK? This baby is a mistake. I wanted to get an abortion, but my stupid boyfriend talked me out of it. Then I found out he was cheating on me with my best friend.

He: Oh, wow. I'm sorry.

She: My life is ruined! I'd give anything to not have this baby.

He: Hey, honey, try not to think like that. I mean, giving birth is a beautiful thing.

She: Yeah, right! I bet you wouldn't see it like that if you were the one who was knocked up!

The young man blinks, clearly out of his depth now.

He: Well... sure I would. I mean, if I was a girl, I'm sure I'd be glad to have a baby. It's the miracle of motherhood, right?

She: Well, if you think being pregnant is so damn great, I wish you were having this baby instead of me!

There is a flash of pinkish light and the young man falls back onto his butt. He is suddenly a pretty woman with a great big baby bump, while the girl in the stall has a flat belly.

He: What the..? How..?

She: Oh, my God. (She pats her stomach, astonished.) It's gone... it's really gone! My wish came true!

The girl hesitates for a moment but then she steps over the young man and hurries for the exit, getting out while the getting's good.

She: Enjoy the miracle of motherhood, buddy!

He: What?! Hey! Come back here!

But she's gone. He flops around helplessly on the floor, pinned down by his enormous belly. He notices that the girl has left a pink satchel in the stall and he manages to slide himself over to have a look inside. He's hoping to find a wallet, an ID, anything to help him track down the girl, but instead the bag is full of candy bars, antacids, bottles of water, body butter, spare maternity panties and bras, and some complicated gizmo he doesn't recognize. He takes it out and realizes it's a breast pump.

He: Oh, you gotta be kidding...

But then he presses the sides of his breasts and winces, realizing they're painfully full. He leans back against the restroom wall and with great effort he scoots himself up into a standing position. He looks down at his new curves with a mix of awe and despair. Still clutching the breast pump, he enters the stall and closes the door.


Tom J.

This is now one of my favorite pieces of "pregnant tg" content ever. Thank you!