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Lazlo was out walking on a lonesome Friday night when he passed a vintage clothing store and spotted a cute ginger salesgirl through the window. He went inside and was pleased to see that there were no other customers to interrupt him while he was making his move on the girl.

"Hey, babe," he said. "What time do you get off?"

The girl gave him a sly grin.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, I feel like dancin' tonight..."

The salesgirl looked him up and down, shook her head and laughed.

"I can't let you go dancing like that," she said. "In that outfit, you look like Pee-Wee Herman's kid brother! I'm gonna give you a complete, head-to-toe makeover."

Lazlo would have been offended but the girl's teasing felt more playful than mean. Was this her way of flirting? Did he actually have a shot with her?

"OK," he said. "I'll try anything."

She grabbed a few random items from one of the women's racks, a heavy black sweater and a colorful skirt, and held them up with a smile.

"Hang on," Lazlo said. "Those aren't for..."

But then she tossed them at Lazlo and he felt the clothing grip onto his body and stay. When he looked down he saw that he was actually wearing the sweater and skirt, but everything was hanging on his body in the weirdest way. He looked small and skinny, with two round bumps on his chest. He reached up and grabbed at them, feeling the unmistakable, soft squish of breasts, and then he saw that his hands were different too. They were little and delicate, not like a man's hands at all, and his skin was golden brown. He'd never been this dark before, not even when he had a deep summer tan.

He turned to look in a full-length mirror nearby and saw a stunned-looking, beautiful Indian girl gawking back at him. He touched his cheek and found a smoothness there he hadn't felt since he was a child, and as he did this the girl in the mirror touched her own cheek. She did everything Lazlo did. They even blinked in sync.

"What the hell..?" Lazlo's voice was high and soft, and he had a slight accent now. He cleared his throat and spoke again, trying to sound more like himself but not doing a very good job of it: "What did you do to me?"

The salesgirl smirked.

"You turned out pretty cute," she said, "but let' s see how you look with a little... enhancement."

This is part one of THE CHANGING ROOM for my patrons at all tiers, including Pretty Lace. Part two is available for my Shiny Silk and Tight Leather patrons and part three is a Tight Leather exclusive. All three parts may be available to all tiers eventually, but for now I wanted to give my Silk and Leather peeps some extra goodies!


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