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When Rod and Scott went out to their frat's backyard pool they were surprised to find a sexy ginger girl in a mermaid costume, with a golden fishtail, a golden crown and a golden trident.

"What are you doing here?" Rod asked her. "Is this, like, an invite to a pool party at one of the sororities? Did Zeta Sigma send you?"

"I am Thalassa," the girl said, "the goddess of the sea. I have ventured onto the land to observe how you humans treat my waters here, and I am not pleased." She indicated their pool with her trident. "This is an abomination. My fair waters, befouled by your poisons!"

Scott snorted.

"Well," he said, "we had a wild frat party back here the other night, so there's probably some pretty nasty stuff mixed in with the chlorine."

That got a laugh from Rod. The girl looked furious for a moment, then she smirked and pointed her trident at them.

"Silence," she commanded. "For your insolence, you and all of your brothers in this 'frat' shall become my mermaid handmaidens, serving me forever in my palace beneath the waves."

The boys laughed, but then Thalassa's trident throbbed with an eerie blue light and there was a crack of thunder...


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