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Ger tried to summon a leprechaun to do his bidding, but things didn't go according to plan. He'd expected a charming, storybook imp with a lilting brogue, but the creature that materialized was a vile thing with leering yellow eyes and sharp claws.

"I could curse ye for botherin' me," the little fiend said. "But I've a better use for you. My kind are all male, y'see, and if I'm to pass on me line I'll need me a human wife to have me kids."

Ger gulped. He sure didn't envy the poor girl who ended up with that job.

"OK," Ger said. "So, you want me to find a woman for you? What kind are you looking for?"

"I need the motherin' kind. A strong lass with good, wide hips and a pair o' great big, pretty teats to feed our many, many babes."

"I see," Ger said, feeling a queasy churn in his guts. "Well, where am I supposed to find her?"

The leprechaun grinned, showing teeth like mossy little tombstones.

"Why," he said, "just look down, me darlin'..."

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Remember to wear green, or you might get pinched! (Unless you want to get pinched, you naughty thing.) For once I actually know the source for the original gif here. It's a movie called Leprechaun 3, although in the original this scene has a really yucky conclusion where the poor woman's boobs, butt and lips swell up to grotesque proportions and then she explodes. What a terrible misuse of magical BE powers!



Proper use of magic.


Oh my God YES!!! Thank you for this! It's actually Leprechaun 3 by the way.