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It's Christmas Eve as I write this and I wanted to wish you all the best, whatever holiday (or holidays) you may (or may not) be celebrating. I'm so grateful to you folks, I can hardly express it. The last few years have been challenging for me, and I don't have to tell you that 2020 has been challenging for everybody. In these dark times, your support of my work here on Patreon has been such a wonderful, inspiring thing. I see your donations coming in each month and sometimes I honestly get kind of teary. Just thank you all, so, so much. I feel very privileged to create this stuff for you and I don't take any of this for granted!

Moving forward in 2021 I want to come up with some ways to let you guys participate in the process more. Recently I posted a poll where Tight Leather peeps could pick the next gif I'd make, and I want to do more stuff like that. If you have other suggestions for ways I can take your feedback, I'm all ears!

We won't be taking Christmas off! Tomorrow I have a treat for you, a kinky novella with a holiday theme. It's still for sale on Amazon, but I'm making it free to my patrons at all tiers. Get ready for a warm, snug and very squishy Christmas!
