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I know you guys all get to enjoy huge size comic pages here, but I'd love to be able to bring larger pages to DOTU's home site too.  We still have the upcoming milestone goal of 2 bonus pages per month at $1250, but I've added a new $1000 goal that includes a site redesign with bigger pages.

As we saw with this recent page, some small details are lost or look entirely different when shrunken down to 600 pixels wide, the current size of pages uploaded to the main site.  I'd love to bump it up, not as big as what we have on Patreon, but bigger than 600.  And I could really use your help to determine what size would be best.

I created a quick survey that shows you different page size options and lets you choose which you like best.  The survey should take you less than five minutes.  It's intended for desktop/laptop readers, since mobile/tablet readers will have a responsive site design.

You can take the survey here:


Thanks, you guys!



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