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Hey guys!  I meant to send out this email on Friday, but I got a little too lost in inspiration, and time slipped away from me.

Normally, we'd have the next patrons-only DOTU page today, but I'm postponing it just a bit, to jump on the aforementioned inspiration.

As some of you may know, it's been a few years since I've last taken a break from DOTU.  We're now entering a scene I've been looking forward to for a *long* time, but I'm a little too burned out to really enjoy it or put my all into it.

About a week ago when I hit a real slump, I took a bit of a mini mental break from overall work to refresh my creativity (again, for the first time in a good long time), and I was hit by the kind of inspiration I haven't felt in ages.  I spent all weekend writing and researching.  I knew that if I passed this up in order to continue on with more pages, without a break, I'd just get more  burned out.

I finally realized there's never going to be a time when I feel it's truly safe and risk-free to take a break from pages, since there's always the likelihood of lost pledges, but I can't keep putting off that break.  And, since I'm especially inspired to whip out something else for you guys right now, I think this is the best possible way to take a break.

So, I'm going to take a short hiatus from comic pages - probably 3-6 weeks - in order to whip up this side project.  Right now I'm being a little vague about what the project is, because I don't want to ruin the surprise.  (Secret Gallery patrons will be clued in once I start making the art for it, which will likely be this week.)  But for now, here are a few hints:

1. It's a short, complete, standalone side story in a format I haven't done before

2. It involves art and writing, and I'm already nearly done with the script

3. It involves Merritt, Belmont, Pogo, Samsid, and Charles

4. I'm EXTREMELY excited about it!

5. If people like it, there might be more in the future.

6. At least some complete form of the end result will be free for all patrons!

*I'm still deciding exactly what's most practical/feasible in the "free" department - ie. free PG-13 vs paid R-18, free web view vs paid download, or free for current patrons vs paid for future or non-patrons, etc.  Details to come when I'm closer to finishing!

I know that a few of you just pledged this month, and I always hate risking disappointment for people who were eagerly awaiting the next pages.  But I promise there won't be too long a wait!  And, since I'm able to set aside this time right now, we're going to have a really cool extra IN ADDITION TO continuing the comic itself. :D

So, thanks for sticking with me, and I promise there will be a great payoff in the end!

(also, side note, I had my vaccine appointment #1 this morning and I'm feeling good!  Woohoo!)


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