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Chapter 06: two-winged angel.

I pointed my staff at the two goblins who were at a relatively long distance, they looked like two children who had just come from the countryside. They were just looking around and every now and then they would destroyed a car or damage a building.

I'm lucky that these stupid creatures are the first monster I face. If I faced the wolves, the situation would be a little more complicated.

"Wall" I whisper in a low voice, then a wall of light separates the two goblins.



Bruce jumps towards a goblin, he lands in front of the goblin and says: “You green head! Moron!"


Seriously? Is this the best he can do? The goblin are stupid beings, but that alone is not enough.

"Bruce, this isn't working -... It worked!?" The goblin looks angrily towards Bruce.

"Tony!" I screamed, after all, I don't have a communicator.

Soon, I see Tony carrying Hawkeye with one hand, he leaves the archer on the roof and starts supporting Bruce.

"Ugh" The remaining goblin started attacking the wall of light, it almost broke with the first attack but I quickly put more magic on the wall.

Seeing that they managed to separate the goblin, I smile; First phase complete, we will now start the second phase.

I undo the wall of light.

I point my staff at the Goblin, then small birds of light begin to fly towards the Goblin.

Getting close to the goblin, the birds begin to fly around the goblin as if it were provoking him. All of a sudden, they stop flying around and attack the goblin.

I point my staff at Steve, and I point my hand at Natasha.

Steve starts to shine like a paladin, and Natasha's body starts to glow slightly.

"Steve, let's go with the same strategy as before!"

Steve nods, he runs towards the goblin with insane speed and pushes the goblin with his shield!

I hold the goblin with the chains of Light.

Natasha appears behind Goblin and cuts off his head.

But that was not enough, Natasha did not put much force, Natasha quickly jumps back and Thor appears and uses his hammer on the head of the goblin!

The goblin's head breaks like a watermelon.

[Exp Gain: 5000]

A stone appears when the Goblin's body disappears, I quickly take the stone and put it in the inventory.

Steve wastes no time and uses the communicator. "We have finished neutralizing the first target, we are going to the second target"

"Ugh" Natasha and Steve fall to the floor a little breathlessly; the effect of my Buff is very severe. Well, obviously that would happen, I use magic to force their bodies to work above the limit allowed by their own bodies. If they were not improved humans, the effects would be much worse.

"I'm sorry, but you will have to try harder."

I point my hand at both of them and say in my mind 'Heal'.

Natasha and Steve feel theirbody lighten, it was as if they had just woken up, they sighed with relief.

I put my staff in the inventory approachingthe two and touch their shoulder.

"Grit your teeth, you won't want to bite your tongue" I cover the two with the element of light.

"Thor, you can fly, follow us"

"Wait-" Steve tries to say something, but I ignore it. Natasha doesn't say anything, she just has a face like she's given up on something.

Suddenly the three individuals disappear in a flash of light.


"Ugh, I'm sick" Steve had a dark face like he was feeling sick.

Natasha was in the same situation.

I look around, and soon realize thatBruce was covered in wounds that were regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye, as expected from <Avengers> they work well as a team.

I praise them in my mind.

"We don't have time to rest," I say.

"Bruce, back off!" I speak out loud.


Bruce jumps into a nearby building

I use my magic and get the goblin's attention.

“Gahhhhhhh! stupid pigeon! stupid pigeon! ” the goblin jumps in my direction.

I use my <Buff> on Steve and Natasha again and we repeat the same tactic.

Steve defends with his shield, I hold the goblin with my chains so he doesn't run away, and Natasha finishes him off. If Natasha fails to finish, Thor helps with his hammer.

The result?

[Exp Gain: 5000]

Exp Easy!!

* Ding! ”

[Mission completed!]


[Main mission: The earth is being invaded by interdimensional beings !!

Description: protect the land from invaders!

Reward: Promotion to Tier 1 (Two Wings), three random abilities exclusive to the races of angels, level increase of the class chosen by the player.

In case of failure: the invaders will conquer the land, Thanos will appear earlier than expected. "I am inevitable"]

[Does the player wish to receive the rewards?]

[Yes or No]

I click on <Yes>

"Umu?" Suddenly, I feel something out of my back.

I quickly remove my suit and toss it on the floor.

"What's up?" Natasha asked when she saw Lucifer acting strangely.

"Ugh" I feel something growing on my back, the pain is unbearable! It is as if a new member is being born on my back.

Steve who was behind Lucifer was able to see a huge scar on his back, he also noticed that this scar started to open.

Golden-colored blood began to flow from Lucifer's back.

Maze who was taking care of Lucifer's car suddenly felt Lucifer's aura change dramatically, she quickly wastes no time and flies in the sky towards Lucifer.

She lands in a nearby building, soon she sees Lucifer kneeling on the floor with an agonized expression.

"Lucifer, what's going on !?” Thor cried out in concern.

Maze quickly realized what was going on, she fell in front of Thor. "Do not disturb him" she said in a cold tone. She was waiting for this moment since she was little, the day when her father recovered his wings.


Maze says nothing, she just nods and looks at Lucifer.

* Crack, Crack * Sounds of bones breaking can be heard by everyone.

Although Lucifer was in agonizing pain, he refused to scream like a little girl, his pride wouldn't allow it, so he just kept quiet.

Everyone watched in shock (except for Maze) when the bones began to grow on Lucifer's back, soon these bones took on the shape of a wing, and quickly these bones were covered with bright white feathers.

* Ding! *

[The player evolved from Tier! Choose a new basic element of the wizard class that the player wants to learn! Fire, darkness, water, earth, thunder.]


Synchronization: 5%

Name: Lucifer Morningstar, 26 years old. [Level 5. Experience required for the next level: 10,000 / 50,000]

Race: Angel

Titles: The most beautiful angel in heaven, The first of the fallen, The one who rebelled against god, the demon king.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Classes: Mage.

Class bonus: 100% learning bonus on everything related to magic and spirit.

Rank: Tier 1 (Two wings)

Affinities: Light (100%), Darkness (00.1%)

Current status: Corruption, extreme caution is recommended. Extreme pain.


Lucifer gets up from the floor and stretches his wings as far as he can.

"This is beautiful ..." Natasha whispered in awe.

Tony with a shocked face said, "Jarvis, are you recording this?"


“You got your wings back! I am happy for you my friend! ” Thor laughed, he was going to approach Lucifer and slap him on the back, but he stopped when Maze appeared in front of Thor.

She just looked at Thor with a cold face.

Steve and Bruce just watched Lucifer in shock. They were not the religious type, but this comforting feeling coming from Lucifer is a very addictive feeling.

Is this how you feel when you are close to an angel? Steve thought.


Lucifer is in a stunned state, when he gained his wings, he felt an incongruity with his very existence.

It was a state of denial and acceptance, a complex feeling; he felt like Lucifer, and at the same time, he felt like a human from the earth.

He looks at the sky in a state of contemplation, he looks like those cultivators who have acquired enlightenment.

'I see, I am Lucifer Morningstar ... And at the same time, I am a human from Earth', if a god of the soul were present at this very moment, they could see the souls of two beings slowly merging and creating one being totally new, a being that was Lucifer and at the same time was not.

* Ding! *

[Synchronization: 10%]


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