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Chapter 05: Goblin Slayer !! 2

<Wild goblins>, in MMORPG games these goblins are low-level beings that can be easily killed by players. Unlike <Hobgoblins> who need more strength, equipment and level to kill, the <wild goblins> are monsters that are found after the tutorial. Usually some <NPCS> have some missions to kill this type of monster at the beginning of the game.

The obvious weaknesses of the <Wild Goblins> are quite noticeable.

They are stupid, they have the intelligence of a human child and the strength of a human adult; their movements are messy and they are easy to provoke, they are also weak against fire magic.

"Watch and learn, I will only explainonce; after all, these enemies will be common in the future," I said with a smile on my face.

I notice Steve and Natasha's face twitching when they hear my words, but I ignore them. After all, there is no point in worrying about an inevitable subject. If everything goes according to the game, more monsters will come in the future, and they need to to know that.

I point the staff at the goblin.

Light mages. Normally, in MMORPG games, light mages are support type magicians, basically, they are the <Party> <Healer>. But, I don't seem to have that limitation, the proof of that was that I killed those aliens with light element skills.

According to the information I have learned so far my actions are not limited by the game; this is the real world and, as I am 100% proficient with the element of light, I have full control over that element. So in the end it all depends on my imagination.

I show a small confident smile becausewhat I do not lack is imagination, after all, I have the knowledge of anime and games from my past life.

Let's start with something simple.

Slowly, my whole body begins to be covered by a soft light; the goblin seems to notice my presence. He looks at me and shows a disgusting smile: “Stupid pigeon! Stupid pigeon! Stupid pigeon! ”

That little bastard. Somehow, I was offended when he called me a pigeon.

He starts running towards me at an inhuman speed.

The avengers go on guard but they don't attack, they wait for me to do something. When the Goblin came close to me, I quickly moved away, and pointed the staff at the goblin's face.

I stop focusing my power on the staff and I use the skill I used to defeat that Leviathan.

<Light Cannon>

Unlike last time this attack was much more powerful.

I purposely attacked the Goblin while aiming skyward, after all, this attack can cause insane damage.

"That was insane, I'm glad you aimed at the sky," Tony sighed in relief.

That little bastard didn't die, I didn't hear the game giving me the <Exp>

“Don't let your guard down, he's not dead”, I say in a neutral tone. This is bad, this is a normal goblin for god's sake; I shouldn't take so long to kill a goblin!

What if in the future an army of goblins appears? And, worse, they all have a 500% buff?

I have to be more efficient.

I can’t just spam magic, it’s not efficient, I’ll just get tired faster and the city will become more destroyed.

The goblin appeared on top of a building: “Kekekekekeke”

Yes, he didn’t take any damage. In fact, his skin is slightly burned but that's it. Changing plans, I have to attack with the goblin’s weakness, he’s not weak against the light element.

The goblin jumps towards Natasha.

That bastard, he thought I was stronger and attacked the weaker member ... No, he's just excited ...

I realized this when I saw that goblin's eyes.

I cover my body with the element of light, and in the blink of an eye, I appear in front of Natasha and pick it up like it's a bag of potatoes.

"What-" I don't expect to hear what she has to say, I disappear from the place and appear behind Steve, and put Natasha on the floor.

I ignore Natasha who had a sick face and say:

"Cap, Shield now!"

Seeing the goblin coming towards me, I order Steve; he understands what I mean, and raises his shield.

I place my hand on Steve's shoulder then his body starts to glow in a soft light, then the image of a paladin appears around Steve.

I ignore the game screens that keep popping up in front of me and look at Goblin.

The goblin attacks Steve's shield.

* Booooooooom! *

A deafening noise was heard by everyone, but Steve's shield had no damage, as expected from the shield of ... Is that a fist mark? Holy Shit!


The goblin begins to attack Steve's shield.

"Don't despair, Cap. As long as I'm here, I won't let my father take your soul," I say with a small smile.

"This is not comforting!"

I ignore Steve and point my staff at Natasha, so her body is covered in a soft light.


Feeling the power in her body, Natasha is surprised for a moment but, when she hears my voice, comes back to reality and understands what I want to do.

Natasha nods slightly, she disappears and appears behind the goblin.

"You won't run away" I release Steve's shoulder and point my hand at the goblin, then several streams of light come out of the floor.

Natasha takes two daggers that were holstered around her waist and attacks Goblin's neck.

“Aghhhhh!!!! Stupid human! Stupid human! ”

[Exp Gain: 5000]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]


It looks like I leveled upfive times ...

The goblin falls dead on the ground and soon his body disappears leaving only a small stone.

Steve and Nat were breathing heavily, I don't blame them, the Buff I gave them is very severe for the human body. Even though they are enhanced humans, they are still humans.

"Dude, that was amazing ..." Tony, who was flying around watching, spoke. "I couldn't do anything"

"Firearms are useless againstthese monsters their skin is very hard, Natasha only managed to penetrate the Goblin's skin because of my magic, but the consequences were severe, look." I say pointing to Natasha's daggers that started to break until the dagger just becomes dust.

"You look happy, Lucifer" Thor commented.

I touch my face, and I realize that I'm smiling, but what can I do? As a hardcore player this situation is really fun for me. I thought the game would be unfair, but it’s not, I feel like I’m playing Dark Souls. I should learn the enemy’s attack patterns, I shouldn’t take any chances, I must know your weaknesses.

This situation is basically Dark Souls in cooperative mode, it's fun !!

The game is not unfair, and that's just why it makes me happy.

I must control my facial expression.

“How can I not be happy? Finally, something not boring appears in my long life ”I say with a small smile.

Steve, Natasha and Tony look at me with strange eyes, but I don't care.

And Thor? Well, he is laughing as if he thinks something is funny.


Hulk appeared!

"What's up, big guy" I say while looking at Hulk who was looking around in anger.


“I know, I know, you are angry aren't you? But don't worry, you'll be able to have fun soon ”I say it as if I understand him, but the question is, do I understand it? Of course not!

But I understand Hulk's thought process; Anger + fists + destruction = anger.

Basic math. In short, he is always angry and wanting to destroy something!


I pick up the item the goblin dropped.

[Common Mana Stone:

-Description: a stone that contains a goblin's mana]

Hmm, usually in games this type of item is used to create something on the <Crafting> table. Well, I'm just going to put it in the inventory.

"Get up, this isn't over yet" I say to Natasha and Steve.

"Ugh, my whole body is hurting, it's like I went back to the army again" Steve grumbled.

Natasha nods in agreement.

[Two <wild goblins> appeared!]

When I hear the game's warning, two red portals appear in the sky.

"They came back," I said as I looked up at the sky.

"Cap, did you learn from the past combat?" I asked as I prepared.

"Yes" He spoke with conviction. I smile when I see Cap's face.

"We are going to share the leadership. I don't know anything about your teammates, but I know how the enemies work"

Steve nods: “Tony and Hawkeye stay in the sky, get ready to give air support at any time. Natasha, Thor, and I are going to stay on the floor ”

"Okay, Cap", Tony responds and flies in the sky.

After finishing giving his orders, he looks at Natasha. "Don't take any chances, you take one hit from those creatures and you're going to die"

He says as he shows the shield with small fist marks.

Natasha nods seriously, she knows very well what material Steve's shield was made of.

"Hulk, normally, I would say 'Smash', but that is not possible ..."


"Ugh" Steve was lamenting now, in this type of situation the Hulk's brute force is not very useful. After all, the enemies are much stronger.

"Hey Big guy" I appear in front of Hulk and get on his back, then I put my hand on his head.

I whisper "Calm"

Suddenly Hulk's eyes regain some clarity. "Lucifer?"

"Hey Bruce, how do you feel?"

"Strong and angry ..."

"Of course you are angry," I said laughing.

"What did you do?" Steve asked.

"I just used magic to calm Big Guy's mind, as a result, the Hulk's host managed to take over but he got weaker"

“Hey Cap, pass me your shield” Dude I love the element of light, it is very versatile for support. I think I can use this element to attack just like Borsalino from One piece or Sting Fairy Taill, but I need more tests, for now I’m going to focus on support.

Steve throws his shield at me, I take the shield: "Recover", I say while imagining the normal appearance of Steve's shield.

Soon the shield is back to normal, I throw the shield back to Steve.

I look at Natasha, "Do you have daggers?"

She just shows a small smile. She pats the heel of her boot and then a dagger comes out of her boot, she does the same with her other boot; holding both daggers in her hands, she says: “I always have new daggers ”

I wear a small smile, "As expected, you are dangerous, dangerously sexy"

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet" She flashes a flirtatious smile.

"I look forward to finding out more"

"Cough ... Hmm, Lucifer?" Steve coughs trying to get attention.

Nat's flirtatious smile is broken, so she takes on a serious expression.

“We are going to divide the enemies, Bruce. You are not as strong as the Hulk and you also have no fighting experience, but you have insane resistance. I want you to be our bait, you must draw the attention of a goblin ”

"Okay ... How do I do this?" Bruce in the appearance of Hulk spoke.

"Well, they have a child's intelligence, so just insult him about something"

"I will try." Bruce spoke.

“Tony and Hawkeye, I want you to support Bruce. Bruce, don't let the goblin focus their attack on Tony or Hawkeye ”

I see Steve passing my orders through the communicator.

"Steve, Thor, and Natasha"

"We will be the attacker, I will help with support. Don't worry, while I am around I will not let my father take your souls; if necessary, I will go down to the seven hells to rescue you." I say with my characteristic smile.

“HAHAHAHA! It is comforting to have the demon king as an ally! ” Thor laughed.

Steve and Natasha just smile a little hard, they don't know how to react to my words.

"Okay, let's start!"


My new Cover of the novel



I finished the plot of the novel, its beta phase is over, I have a story, and at the end, only a few things will be changed. Thank you very much to those who commented on the novel on my Discord