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Adrian laughed a little when he saw Leona and Natasha's shocked expression.

Natasha is the first to come out of her shock.

* Cough! *

"So you are immortal now?" Natasha asked in apprehension.

"Yes, I have a way of making you immortal too." Adrian understood her concern because he already said that he had a solution to this problem.


"I can make you immortal, but you have to make that decision alone, I cannot force that decision on you." Adrian said honestly, he doesn't know the difficulty of an immortal. Still, if you look at Death's motives and humor, he can understand that it was an exhausting life.

"How are you going to make us immortal?" Natasha ignored what Adrian said and wanted to know how Adrian is going to make her immortal.

Adrian looked at Natasha and smiled gently.

[She made a decision before even thinking about it.] Death commented.

Adrian laughed inwardly and realized how lucky he was to have her as a partner.

Leona pouted and turned her face to the side. 'Natasha overtook me again.' She thought playfully.

From the moment Leona heard that Adrian had become immortal, she was thinking about becoming one too to be by his side.

In Leona's mind, she cannot imagine a life without Adrian. He is also her only family. From the moment Adrian accepted her as his wife. She decided that she would always be by his side, regardless of how much he changed.

Leona doesn't know if that determination is shared with Natasha, but she has a feeling that Natasha thinks the same as she does.

Leona and Natasha were so focused on the subject of immortality that they forgot that Adrian said that he became the Phoenix host.

Adrian reaches out, and two black balls are formed. "This is a symbiote seed, if I fuse that seed into your genes, I can make you immortal."

"Only that?" Natasha asked.


"Is there any risk?"

"Do you think I would offer something that puts you at risk?" Adrian asked.

Natasha and Leona look at each other and laugh.

"You are right, you would never do that." The two said in unison.


They were silent again.

Leona was the first to break the silence. "I accept, I want to be with you forever."

Natasha followed. "You don't need to hear my answer, do you?"

Adrian laughed happily: "Really, I don't have to."

Adrian took a symbiote seed with his left hand.

He puts the Logan genes, the spider genes, the Jessica Jones genes, the genes Kilgrave, and a large amount of Phoenix vitality in a seed. He uses that vitality to give physical immortality to anyone who owns that seed.

He just didn't put in Ororo's genes, because he doesn't know how those genes react to the two women. 

Instinctively, he knew how to control Phoenix's powers. With the experiments he did in the past, this process was smoother than he imagined.

He approaches Natasha and hugs her. "Should I say something like, forever and ever?" While he embraced her, he placed the seed on his body.

Natasha laughed. "That would be cliché, but that phrase suits our situation."

"True." He laughs and kisses her.

Finishing kissing Natasha, the killer laughs. "It even looks like a wedding."

"Maybe, but a warehouse wedding is not a very cool thing, right?"

"True." She imitated Adrian.

"I love you, Nat." He strokes Natasha's face gently.

Natasha was taken by surprise. She had red cheeks and turned her face away. "This surprise attack is not fair." Her cool personality fell apart with this unexpected attack.

Adrian laughed, seeing how she was behaving.

Adrian approached Leona while approaching, he repeated the same process he did a few moments ago.

Putting the genes of Logan, Jessica, Kilgrave, spider, and a great deal of Phoenix's vitality into the symbiote's seed, he embraces Leona. "As long as I can remember, you were always with me, I really appreciate that, I wouldn't know what to do if you didn't stay with me in the future."

Leona laughed and stroked Adrian's face. “I will always be with you, no matter how much you change, no matter what you do, no matter what you become, I will always be there to say welcome back, I love you, Adrian. You are the most important person in my life. ”

Adrian's eyes started to water. He remembered all the things he had been through with Leona and laughed happily. "Thank you ... I really appreciate-" Leona put her finger in his mouth, preventing him from saying anything else.

"Fool, that's when you have to kiss."

Adrian smiled, and without saying anything else, he kissed Leona, it was a simple kiss. Still, it contained all the feelings of both.


Adrian's mental landscape.

Death was sitting on a throne of skeletons, and Phoenix was lying lazily on the grass.

They were looking at a screen in the air. This screen showed Adrian, who was kissing Leona.

"Somehow, I envy these women." Phoenix commented playfully while lying on the grass.

She was wearing a simple red dress, but that dress made her look very tempting because of her hot body.

"... Yes ..." Death spoke with a face containing great jealousy.

Phoenix looked at Death. "Don't do what you're thinking."

Death looked at Phoenix and saw his sister's serious face. "What?"

Phoenix snorted: “I know you, Death. You are very possessive of something that interests you, that characteristic is one that we share. ” She looked at Adrian. "I was always possessive of the things that interested me, because of that, I exaggerated and broke those things." 


"I can say that Adrian will not break if you are possessive of him, but if you do any harm to those two women. I am absolutely sure that Adrian will not rest until he erases their existence, he is that type of man."


Phoenix laughed innocently. "If you value Big Brother, I recommend that you do nothing against those two women."

Phoenix started to hum.

Death looks at Phoenix with a little shock. As a twin sister, she knows practically everything about Phoenix. Still, this way of speaking and serious eyes is not characteristic of the sister she knew.

'Phoenix has changed, should I consider it a good thing or a bad thing?' Death looked at Adrian. She imagined Adrian looking at her with eyes that wanted to erase her existence.

Somehow, she felt terrible when she thought about it. "... I won't do anything, I am not a child like you. I know very well that Adrian looks at those women like that because he has known her longer than we do, but eventually. He will look at us like that too, after all, we have all eternity together. "

Phoenix looks at Death innocently. “Nn! Big Brother has a big heart! ”


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