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"The future has changed again ..." An old man said while stroking his beard. He looked at Adrian with curious and cautious eyes.

He had a relaxed and somewhat serious attitude. While he thought about it, a green jewel sparkled on the necklace he was wearing. "It's been a few years since I couldn't look at the earth's future properly, the future was always changing, it was like the future was bowing to someone's will, so you are the cause, boy."

"What are you, boy?" He wondered as he looked at Adrian.

As a master of magic, he can clearly feel Adrian's connection to death and life; from the perspective of The Ancient One, Adrian looked like a battery of cosmic energy.

"So much power in someone inexperienced, what a waste."

He stroked his beard again and thought about what to do next.


A few minutes ago, before Adrian became the Phoenix host.

"He's taking too long ..." Leona said with a frown. She looked annoyed, but Natasha could tell that she was worried.

It's been two hours, and Adrian hasn't finished what he had to do.

Natasha spoke in a low voice. "Don't worry, he knows what he's doing."

Leona looked at Natasha and nodded.

Jean suddenly blinked.


Everyone looked at Jean and waited to see what she will do next.

Jean woke up and looked around. "What is happening?"

Emma Frost raised an eyebrow. 'Did not work?'

"How are you feeling?" Emma Frost asked, smiling.

Jean looked at Emma Frost. "Hmm, I'm feeling good, in fact, I'm feeling amazing." She couldn't explain the feeling of her body.

Jean made a gesture with her hands, and all the furniture in the warehouse started to float.


Leona and Natasha just stared at her without expression. They were assessing Jean's danger. "Don't move, girls." Natasha said when she realized that the women were preparing to neutralize Jean.

"Jean, can you stop using your powers?" Leona said in a tone that does not permit refusal.

Jean looked at Natasha and Leona, noticing the tense atmosphere, she nodded and stopped using her powers.

The furniture that was floating slowly began to return to its original position.

"You got stronger." Emma Frost smiled.

Jean nodded with a smile on his face.

They didn't know that Jean didn't get stronger; she just regained control of her mutant abilities. She didn't get stronger; she just got weaker without her previous strength, now she is no longer the Phoenix hostess.

Adrian, who was still paralyzed in the same position, began to float in the air.

"Adrian?" Leona called to him, but he did not answer.

All eyes on the warehouse were on Adrian.

Golden energy started to cover Adrian, but that energy was invisible to anyone with no aptitude for magic. Slowly, that energy started to change Adrian, that energy was making his body more robust and more resilient.

Viewers who had no magical senses just saw Adrian's hair grow to the height of their feet; they also saw his hair take on a golden hue at the ends of his hair.

"Adrian likes to do flashy things, huh?" Leona jokingly commented, she knew very well that the changes were not just in the hair; she doesn't know what changed, but she intends to ask later.

"Yes." Natasha agreed.

Adrian opened his eyes and landed gently on the floor; he stared at Jean and smiled. "I finished, I did what was promised, you are safe now."

"Thanks." Jean thanked her and turned her head to the side. She was embarrassed now.

Leona approaches Adrian. "It looks like we're going to have to cut your hair." She said as she took Adrian's long, long hair.

Adrian looked at Leona amused, he doesn't know what changed in his body, but he knew one thing, he gained an extreme amount of vitality, that vitality spread throughout his body, strengthening him, of course, the hair is no exception, if someone tries to cut his hair with scissors, the scissors will just break and will not cut anything.

After having this random thought, he understood something. Phoenix was ​​the representation of life itself; because of that, his body did not reject Phoenix. He thought Phoenix had the fire attribute, and he would not be compatible with that power. However, he was wrong; fire is only the consequence of using Phoenix's power and vitality.

'Venom, has anything changed in my body?'

[You're kidding, right?] Venom scoffed at Adrian.

[Your body has practically changed! Genes, bone structures, blood, etc. Everything has changed!! What did you do!?]

[I changed him, after all, his body is perfect, I changed him so he can take my host, I think this is partly your fault, huh?] Phoenix spoke, unlike his sister, Phoenix spoke to the symbiotes.

Venom: [That annoying feeling ... Are you that bird, huh?]

Phoenix snorted childishly. [I am not a bird! I'm a Phoenix! Show respect!]

Venom ignored her: [I wanted to have infinite food ...]

Lasher: [Me too, that bird was fat enough to last a long time.]

Phoenix was annoyed. [Are you calling me fat !? You parasite !! I'll kill you!]

Adrian started to sweat. 'Phoenix if you kill them, I will die too.'

[Huh? What are you talking about, Big Brother? You will not die, you are immortal both physically and spiritually.] Phoenix spoke.


Adrian was shocked, but after thinking for a while, he understood that it makes sense; Phoenix represents life, it is a concept, and Adrian is the host of that concept. As long as the concept of life is present in the universe, it will stay alive. ..

'Somehow, I'm tired, I'm going home!' Adrian looked at Emma Frost and Jean. "Well, I'm leaving, I'll see you sometime."

Adrian walked, tried to walk, but he stepped on his own hair. 'Venom, give me a hand here.'


Moments later, Adrian's hair shrank and became shorter, 'That's convenient, thanks.'

"Wait, I need a way to contact you." Emma Frost said.

Adrian stopped walking and looked at Natasha. Understanding his look, Natasha threw something towards Emma.

"Take it."

Emma Frost raised her hands and took the item that Natasha threw. She opened her hands and saw a cell phone. "Contact this phone, it is encrypted and has a single contact number saved."

Emma Frost nods; she looks at Jean. "Come on Jean, we have a lot to do when we get home." She said as she started walking towards the exit.

"Okay." Jean looks at Adrian for a moment and leaves the warehouse with Emma.

When Emma Frost and Jean left.

Leona and Natasha look at Adrian. He could easily see that they were concerned.

Adrian looked at Leona and Natasha. "Don't look at me like that, then I'll explain what happened, now I just want to sleep." He didn't feel tired, but he just wanted to take a good nap.

"Can you give us a short version?" Leona asked curiously as she sighed, seeing that Adrian was fine was enough for her.

Adrian nods and speaks honestly. "Well, I became the Phoenix host and it changed a lot of things in my body, now I am immortal, and I have almost infinite vitality."


Natasha and Leona's brain hung up for a moment ...

 These photos are for reference only, just imagine Adrian with the same skin as EMIYA and long white hair. 



https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Yao_(Earth-616) For those who are curious, I am using the real The anciente One. I am not using the film version.


Thank you for the chapter and the references