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Hey everyone, will be requesting a few more weeks to get to v2.3 - v2.4 as a lot of things are on my plate right now. Aside from the birthdays of my girls, other personal stuff like end of the year tax filing shits, land tax updates and other paperworks just eat up my time lately. My 18 year old dog also died and it's all just eventful.

I'm just going to finish some tasks, update the patreon campaign and other support pages so visitors don't meet a dead end.

The new Godot 4.2 also broke a few of my code but I fixed all those already the whole day today.

I have been active also lately on twitter as when we're out doing paperworks, I borrow the wife's tablet and draw and post my stuff there so I dust off and get constant practice while we're out and about. 

I can only imagine things getting much busier in the holidays, but I made sure I finished all the kilometers away paperworks so all the remaining errands are just at home now and will finally get more dev time.

Anyway, more news soon! Thank you again for the support!

-kReig out!



Zany Hitakus

I’m sorry to hear all the bad news, but I’m glad you’re still managing and creating this awesome game 😊❤️


Thanks! I'm prepared for my Dog, Odin to go as he's been alive for so long lol. But yeah, i'll miss that boy.