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A bit late. Lost some hours as flash did it's thing, but here's the loop set.

btw to those asking how to trigger the scenes in-game, it is NOT possible yet.

I do the animations on the side just to progress with them and just showcase them here, again for progress. However, the current priority for the game are audio and getting the lewd scenes in.

By v2.3 or 2.4 you can trigger the scenes in game.

I still have not decided on the minigame / escapes but for now just to boost scene productivity, I won't be animating the cum/finish scenes til 10 enemies get in. So until then, we'll stick with the main loop like these 3 variants.

If I get lucky to hire extra animators, I'll have them assist in the cum/finish scenes.

But again, for now, I want to get actual enemies in the game alongside their main lewd loops first.

The mimik enemy is from a DDD Patron a while back, so if you're still here, contact me for possible extra scenes.

I will also be giving some discord rewards soon to patrons who have been here since the divine dawn and have supported me for some amount. Just like in DDD, they'll have a private room and will discuss next enemy designs collaboratively. I will add those as soon as the existing enemies get done.

Speaking of existing enemies, here's our next one:

I'll be doing the lewd scene for the Slime soon!

Btw Patreon already lifted their mistake and I can finally get some payouts now.

However, what I'm getting in patreon is still below the ideal amount so I am still doing commissions on the side. Which I would like everyone to know that I may reuse some animations for possible YCH commissions. YCH means "Your Character Here" and basically I'll be doing reskins reusing animations. To show an example, here's Frieren perfectly matching the mimic scene:

The advantage is I don't need to draw a lot of things for the commissioner's Character and can go back to development quick, but yeah, I may open animated YCH commissions soon.

This Frieren piece is just something I'd like to post on socials so we can get more traffic and possible new patrons.

At anyrate, I'm also in the middle of updating the patreon page alongside alternatives, so yeah truly busy days ahead, but all things considered, v2.3 is coming along just fine. Just reeeeally need to push on that in game demo with actual scenes and sounds. and as schedule goes, it should be done before the end of the year.

Anyway, that is all for now. Will get back to crackin the new update.

Again, as always, thanks for the support and I hope you like the new mimik scene. I'm improving as I go with animation and I grow confident each time with it.

-kReig out!




I love seeing animations showing off some Siggy feet lol


This is so hot! Amazing work!


It all looks really hot ! I'm looking forward for the v2.3 ! 🔥🤩

Zany Hitakus

Awesome work! I can’t wait to get Siggy to open the mimic chests on purpose… I-I mean I would never! Of course I’m gonna help Siggy win! 😏❤️