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Hi everyone. Just finished five stages with the new BG assets. I had to add 30+ extra variations to doodads and other elements and will probably spend a few days creating a new but simple tutorial stage. 

This is after I upload video progress as stated in the current progress milestone. The campaign page will require a lot of thought, but I will revamp it. I was thinking of returning the $1 pledge and set the next tier to $10 and $20 so things will not be as complex with tiers and just make patrons decide howmuch they wish to support. Tho not final, I'm still mulling over this. DDD will no longer be available after the update (may return after I get the current ones in the game first)

EDIT: I will probably no longer upload a video update, instead release a pornless demo so everyone can play the stages and the crystal purging mechanic themselves. Again the current version I am working on now had all porn scenes removed as they will cause an infinite loop bug until I fix it with the new minigame. - The stage demo will also allow everyone to try the new spells and fight the new enemies and all other current changes. This demo will also not save your progress as that engine is also under WIP.

As for the pledge change, I'm planning to remove the $3 and $5 and incorporate the rewards from $1 - $9. Meaning patrons from $1 - $9 share the same rewards and give them the decision to support with what they can. It's been like that since I have been showing everything lately to all patrons anyway.  This is not final, tho. I will still think if this is a good idea.

Now for some good news.

Do enjoy Chris' latest stuff.


Haha, anyway, I'll take a few days off and focus on my baby's (and my) recovery, first. Can't really focus much with all these stuff in the way. Hope everyone understands. And as always, thank you!

Will reply to messages in a bit.

-kReig out!



Wesley Gunder

Hmmm not so sure bout the teir changes since I have been donating at the higher teir for a while now and feels like a bad rub if you ask me...🙁


I'm sorry to hear that, and how old are you, since your AGE is slowing doqn your "healing proccess"? And, i don't think you should make 10 dollars the LOWEST possible tier, as it's a bit of money. I would recomend 2 or max 5 dollars, as the lowest tier, or else you'll probably end up with LESS money/support, due to people not wanting to donate 10 dollars, if they are not sure. And lastly YAAAAY! Congratulations on reaching another milestone! :D


Wow those animations look incredible


Hm, as long as current rewards are recorded for the future (early dev builds for those who have pledged at the $5+ tier, name in credits at the $10+ tier, cheats at $20+ accumulated, etc.), then I don't see a problem with some new tier changes. Though I will admit that the jump from the lowest planned tier ($1 ) to the next one ($10) seems steep to me. I believe having some other tier in-between would be a good idea. Apart from that, animations are stunning as always, and it's great to finally have this milestone down. You and your daughter get well soon!


I new to the project as of Jan. Will the tier changes affect me being able to play in development builds? That's a thing right?

Angel Girl

Those are some amazing animations. Very excited for this game!


I have to agree that the inbetweeb levels for the patron rewards should stay. I can afford the $3 im at right now...id have to withdraw my support if Id need to pay $7 more to get the same rewards.


I think the idea is to be able to give anywhere between the 1 and 9 dollar range and get the same things.

Cyril Vaxx

Won't change anything for me. I'm giving $20/month regardless. Hope you and your household get well soon!


I'm almost 37 years old haha. I've been sickly eversince I started gamedev career. or heck I assume every career that locks you to a chair and infront of the computer for 8+ hours will eventually take toll on your health.


yeah, i'm still thinking about the change and hoping it's not drastic for anyone lower than $10.


Still the same plan where the campaign this whole time would accumulate pledges. I also edited the post for clarification.


I think at your current pledge, you'd be fine and not be affected as much.


hey i was just wondering where i could get the newest version of the game twith new enemys (if they are implied ) ? currently im donating 5$ but i wonder if the game is still in the public (newgrounds) demo stage :)


You'll actually release a new test demo without the scenes? Holy shit, I had actually been thinking about suggesting this to you for some time, but I had a feeling you'd refuse to do that and be the stubborn perfectionist you've always been, haha. FINALLY! A new playable demo has been a long time coming! Will it also be uploaded to Newgrounds eventually or do you plan for this one to only be on Patreon?


Too soon to celebrate... Let's hope we can try something new this year.


Hey man, this one's Patrons only. Can't really deploy a porn game without the porn part haha.


hi. newgrounds the only thing available at the moment. check the milestone posts. once we clear them, we will release the new demo.


I saw the picture. I can not speak English. But I hope the bottle gets better soon. Good luck to you.


I hope the next demo comes out around my birthday but i doubt it will but one can only hope right... but keep up the good work not many H games with quality like this out there not made by a company