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Just for everyone's information, work resumed a few days ago. Currently grinding to finish the next milestone. Chris finished the full set of Blood Hunter's indulge scene and is now tackling Rapevine.

He got a bit disturbed with Rapevine's lore, so I may have to tone some stuff a bit in the future as I doubt other distribution sites will allow something as dark. But he's gonna stomach it and do what he can for rapevine.

Yesterday, I did this template of Siggy for him so he can make further adjustments and to understand her biology a bit more. I hope it helps him.


So, last year I visited art guilds and animation studios and I've two possible candidates for animation work. - I was wondering if you guys would mind if the Game Over loop would have a differnt style? (I can't tell yet how it deviates, but I'm sure you know this can't be helped much.) 

Though I am sure Chris can handle the main and indulge scenes, getting him to make the game over scenes would be unwise... timewise.

Thanks again for this month's support!   

We'll adopt another abandoned dog soon, so thanks for feeding all of them. Also, since it's going to be summer soon, we may decide to extend the stay here for a few months more before relocating.

-kReig out!




Disturbed? Oh man. Must mean it's some really juicy stuff. Nice. Can't wait to see it. Wait, tone stuff down? Ah bummer. Sigh. Oh well. Gotta do what you gotta do. Can't be helped.


Well here's the old lore: She no longer shoot seeds now, tho. "The second enemy is a rapevine. This one is a plant type and it does not move at all. It shoots it's seedlings at you so keep your distance. The woman is actually a real victim and not part of the plant. The plant dismembers it's victims and keep them as nourishment. mainly the salt that humans produce in sweat, tears and specially in the vagina. Each victim lasts for a week before it dies from dehydration. The side effect of the leeching makes the breast plump with mucus, which often used to entrap males as the woman part tries to cry for help. Male victims are paralyzed and get drained of salt and are left to die."


thank u for ur hard work . but when the next update will be available for download?


we have a milestone tracker a few posts back. check it out.


In all honesty, I dont mind if the game over loop animation was different from the others, i think it adds depth and makes the game over scene somewhat more of an occasion, an unexpected, yet pleasant suprise.


Awesome, that's exactly what I wanted to see - art direction templates from you regarding Siggy's art style! Hopefully these additional future animators will be able to keep the style as close to the original as possible. I suppose we'll simply have to wait and see their output, but I'm sure that with your guidance, quality will always be high. As for the Rapevine and darker stuff in general, I remember I actually sent you a message way back about this: <i>"You said in the last message that people have told you that some parts of your game seem dark to them(like the rapevine, for which I don't think you should change the backstory in the Patreon version of the game at least). I say, don't let the game lore and your creative vision suffer just because someone out there might be offended or uncomfortable about something. Like you said in your blog, Divine Arms is story of Heaven and Hell, so there will be a lot of fucked-up stuff (literally!) and I'm sure that's exactly what hentai fans are looking for (proven by the overwhelming support for the game)!"</i> To which you replied: <i>"As for the story, it will only be changed for publishers that desire it so, but everything else stays as i envision it. (as long as it's not illegal in the us, it's in."</i> So I really hope you won't change your plans for future enemies or the story in the Patreon version at least! You even mentioned in a recent update that the next biome (blighted lands) would have "nasty" enemies!


Happy new year)))) All of the best)))


Haha Chris was honest enough to tell me he can't draw the stubbed /amputee part so i may do that myself or leave it as suggestive. We'll also discuss next enemies in the future. This somehow reminded me of a past collaboration with a guy who's arachnophobic and we ended making lizard enemies. - But yeah, I'll probably won't run of crazy ideas to shove in the game that is as dark, but will find the middle ground more with him as it would be bad if he starts hating his tasks.


The lore for the rapevine is a bit dark. My suggestion would be to change it so it doesn't dismember the victims but holds their arms and legs in thick vines so that they don't escape. That way you could retain most of your original model for the look of the rapevine and hopefully not sacrifice work already completed. As far as a second animator I vote yes! Anything that helps the game get made more efficiently and won't sacrifice quality.


if it's a game over scene, i would prefer darker, you just died to an evil monster, some bad stuff is gonna happen. yout already getting raped, i can't see why dismemberment would make it cross the line


This is all just a load of "oh no! i might offend someone on the internet!" If you're offended, grow up. Having said that, although I think its fine to keep the rapevine as is, having to watch siggy get dismembered might be a boner killer for some. What if going from "Game Over" to "Continue" did not mean travelling back in time to undo mistakes, and instead meant that we (including siggy) had to learn from that experience and do it differently next time. Meaning no irreversible physical damage or death, but also that we could have funny dialog referring to those experiences.

Fack Jrost

bit late to the punch here, but whatever happened to the flash files from YOUR version of the blood hunter scene? Past that, if chris' old work is any indication, are the indulge animations going to actually be flash or are they gonna be ugly compressed video files shoved into the flash instead?


Oh, kReig has already said that his original regular sexzattack animation for the Bloodhunter will be in the new demo (AFAIK that animation is pretty much done, not sure if or when he will show it in the Patreon feed). As for Chris' animations, kReig mentioned recently that they had to convert Chris' traditionally raster output to vector form by going from SAI to Photoshop to Illustrator to Flash (heh, he even said it was "madness but manageable").


Hey everyone, will post in a day or two some progress update, but to answer some questions, yes Divine Arms is a light and comfy looking game with some wild ideas and deviations toward the visual appeal. The Rapevine will probably the darkest I have in mind so I made it into an early enemy. I also can't stand gore and other boner killing stuff, but the gameover scene for rapevine is Siggy turned into one. The dismemberment happens thru the plant's acidic composition and needs to remove those parts to be able to carry the victim. We won't show the process happening to Siggy, but a game over is a game over. (It's yuri scene btw) All animations are still on vector with some major changes I will discuss in future posts. The Bloodhunter scene will stay, but Chris is itching to redo it, so expect it to be replaced sooner. (original scene will still stay ingame) As for the Rapevine, sadly, it is already beyond repair. I'm still doing what I can to make it usable, but with the previous animator giving it 200+ fucking layers, the scene just won't play and crash even on my cousin's GTX1080 rig. Chris will have to redo it with 3 different angled scenes compared to the original 1600x600. It just won't run (unless it's a video)


Sounds good to me. The... The game over scene, with the Rapevine. Not the... Not the crashing stuff. That sounds bad. I'm sorry to hear that. Tell Chris we appreciate everything he does.


Totally feel ya, best not offend the talented. Let chris know we appreciate him and whatever he has contributed!


Personally, I wouldn't be offended, but the dismemberment would be a bit of a kill joy. As opposed, what about a resistance to indulge type? That, would be a better game over, just a give up into total pleasure. Imho


I have played Divine Arms good god who knows how many times, but however I noticed here it states you have made a few other games &amp; I was hoping to find out how i'd be able to play them as well.

Kravenar Games

Divine Arms is a really fun game, thanks for your work!