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Hey guys! Detailed post coming tomorrow, but you get to play the demo first!


To summarize the post tomorrow:

Our first girl will be Sister Fux, if you remember her from Divine Arms: Origins. The animation above will have 2 extra camera angles in the works. Basically she will be the new guide for the game as Mahalai will have a minor role this time.

Sigurd is the main protagonist.

Siggy is in the game but is stuck inside a crystal that Sigurd will protect.

SIggy will be playable as well as Mahalai as player skins.

Sigurd will get to imprison enemies. There will be a minigame to convince prisoners to defect and then be fuckable, get pregnant, do jobs and assist in battles.

Siggy will have game over sex animations but it will be prioritized last because I'll see if the game gets more support. If it does, Chris Armin will animate it. If not, then I'll do it.

The floating Island is your home and you will be able to manage it. You will be able to travel the world map and have events and encounters as well as to progress the story.

Game Mechanics:

Simple tower defense game where you can mix-match and upgrade elemental runes to protect Siggy inside the crystal. Killing enemies will net you upgrades and empower the crystal so Siggy can be fully awaken as the Divine Arms or something.

Sigurd can levitate and fly. He will be super fast and target better at the cost of charge times. Casting, After-casts, Special attacks and Super Special attacks will be much slower while flying.

Sigurd does not have a HP bar. He can be hit and get toppled anytime and will always get up. However, the time spent recovering from a fall gets enemies closer to the crystal. Crystal HP goes to zero and game over.

Anyway there will be lots of stuff not implemented yet but it will get there eventualy.

For now, I hope you like the demo and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for the suport!!!

-kReig out!



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