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Hey guys, currently working on the Blue Spell Stun Trap. Will show you vids as soon as it's done. I also did some adjustments on the default spell, the buzz saw of light thing. I also had a fuckton of complaints against the spell. 

To be honest, they were simply not using the spell as intended. 

HOWEVER, I acknowledged the point because it is the very first spell, so it should not be too complex in design.

+Faster projectile speed.

+Faster attack rate.

+Damage build up as it hits.

+Will probably add knockback, stun or extra damage when the spell dissipates.

-Limited number of hits. (defaults to 12 hits, increases hits per level)

Anyway, here's a preview video of the change. 

As soon as I finish the blue spell version, I'll post another video again. Hopefully tomorrow.

If you notice the world map, it is being worked on by Reddart.

Not yet done, but I was excited to put it in anyway, lol. 

Reddart's also responsible for the wonderful backgrounds in Internal Interrogation.


Ok, for the other question, I am in contacts with some awesome animators who I could hire for Divine Arms. This will improve on the production of all the sex scenes, specially since we plan to have 3 per enemy.

The only problem I have with it is that MOST of the animators I speak with only do Frame by frame animation. In Divine Arms, we do both tweening and frame by frame. And in some possible cases, if you observe hard enough, you could notice the difference. 

I personally don't mind the sudden mix of animation styles as we'll hire guest animators in the future anyway, but what do you guys think? 

Should I seek further and find animators that can emulate the way we do it at the moment, or should I welcome exclusive frame by frame styles?

To be clear, I will still do the faces and the layout. The only thing that will change is the way it is animated, NOT very much on the art style.

Anyway, I'm off to sleep now. Will get back on the blue spell tomorrow.

-kReig out!




the buzzsaw spell looks nice, never had a problem learning how to use it right. About the animation, I will be cool with whatever you think is good, as I think you got more knowledge about how all of that will be best, I can first say something when I see the end resultat.


When it comes to animation, I personally trust your judgement with it kReig, so go with what you think works the best for the game. I have been liking the way the animations have looked so far, but I cannot really say if I have an eye for the differences between the two different styles of animation. A mixed style sounds fine though, especially if guests are gonna make an appearance in the future, as long as it's all up to the same standard, right?


I am ok with the animation that you choose. At the end, it´s your project and choice and you should have fun with it!


The buzzsaw looks much smoother to use than before. Usually the first attack of any game is weak and simple. I think the change is good. As for the animation.. I had to look up what tweening meant. For starters, I fell in love with your art style and the smooth high quality animation you implemented in your game the first time I played it. Before I can really judge any other animator style vs your style I'd have to see the difference. I'm selfish and would prefer you oversaw everything to keep the quality up but I know that's impractical. You have more work than is reasonable as it is. Your time and health is more important than my desires. So my questions are these: How much of the game do you currently have laid out? It would be bad to hire animators then halfway through find out you don't have enough content for them to fill. So if you haven't, brainstorm enough monsters and scenes to be able to fill in any gaps when work gets held up anywhere. Worst case scenario you just have unused scenes lying about after the game has a good head start on it. These scenes can later be shown to patreons to see if they like that type of scene and then you can add it later to the game or if not enough people like it then it's just bonus content for patreons of a certain tier. Currently in your goals you have listed "NPCs, towns, and other points of interest." This is the kind of thing I would love to see. This however is where you'd need story writers, town layouts, quest chains, and all sorts of other things. So basically is the amount you're getting backed by patreons worth hiring the animators right now? Will hiring the animators set you back instead of pushing you towards your next goal? Then again the game as it is in the demo was enjoyable and I liked the play style. If you just want to cram as many scenes and action into that type of game instead that would still turn out as a great game. If you hire animators for that type of game it shouldn't be too hard to simply add another crystal somewhere. I guess either way you still have scenes just lying about either for future use or just to have something to show patreons. I feel like I'm getting lost in what I'm trying to say so I'll summarize. Do you have enough work to justify hiring more animators? Do you have enough content to implement those animations? In the long run is it worth hiring more animators? Will you be overseeing the quality? The last one is the most important to me. I don't want you to trade off at any point and say "this should be good enough." As I said before. I am selfish. I don't want you to ever feel like you've had to let something slide because you already devoted too much time and effort to something then no longer feel like you have the option to change it. Another question is.. How easy would it be for you to go back and change anything you've already done? If you used animators as fillers then go back and redo some of the content patreons weren't happy, that kind of thing.. That just sounds bad though.. That would be like you've completely devalued their artwork.. Ehhhhhhhhhh.... .(;=____=). Anyways.. I'm done. I'm sorry if this is a block of text. I switched to Chrome to see if that fixes anything. Mozilla always ignores the Shift Enter spaces I make. :(


Don't underestimate the value of cohesive visuals. That was the biggest thing I hated about Breeding Season or whatever it was called. I personally don't understand how an animator can "only" do frame-by-frame animation- if they are actually a decent animator it should be easy for them to animate in different styles. Tweening is literally just frame-by-frame animation but helps make the animation smoother and makes less work for the animator- I don't understand why an animator, even one who has never used tweening before, would be so opposed to using it.


I say spend a little more time trying to find people who can do the tweening style instead of the frame by frame style. I feel like this may take a little longer, but it will be closer to what you had originally planned for this game. Again, it may take a little longer, but the game will be created exactly how you envisioned it. Don't settle for someone with a skillset that doesn't fit YOUR project. Just my two cents...


I think you should spend more time finding animators who have the capabilities you are looking for. You can't rush quality.

Zachary Jacobson

This is fantastic and insightful, and I agree with this completely. The Buzzlight Saw looks like a solid and effective thing for a starting spell, and I like that. It'll help players enjoy the game more easily.


I'm not really picky with animations like that. Frame-by-frame is sharper, and tweening is smoother. In the end their advantages and disadvantages are pretty even and I'm perfectly happy with either one. I trust your judgment on this and I'm sure I will be perfectly happy with whatever you chose.


I really didn't think the buzzsaw was all that difficult to figure out, but if it gets tweaked, I'll just figure it out again. As for the animation stuff, outsourcing a little to lighten your workload may benefit not only the progress of the game, but it would also lower your stress and help to improve your own personal health. Just a thought I figured I'd put out there.


Either type of animation is fine by me...even if both exist in the game. I'd be curious to see a simple example of the difference between the two side by side though.


I see no issue in blending styles together! Go for it!


Great to see all these new updates recently! Regarding the animations, as long as any differences in style are subtle and not plain obvious, and the overall quality doesn't suffer, then it's fine by me. Like others have also said, I trust your judgement on this. And besides, you once wrote in a comment that even your current main animator needed time to adapt to the way you do things, so I imagine any other new animators will also adapt eventually.


I'm not familiar with animation styles so I can't really comment about it. If it's consistent enough to look as if they belong in the same game, I don't think there will be an issue. Regarding the buzzsaw, can you have two going on at the same time? The cooldown icon looks like you could, but that's not shown in the video. If you can't have more than 1 buzzsaw at once, I think most of the complaints you received will remain. If you look at around 0:33 in the video, there's one buzzsaw that takes nearly 7 seconds to vanish. If your basic attack spell can take up to 7 seconds between casts on a miss (or partial miss in this case), I can see a lot of people still finding it unwieldy.

Wesley Gunder

i would say, just go with what works, if the tweening style works use that, if FBF works then go that route. I also Agree that their styles may change if they are any good to fit the project!