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Header image is some anon's fanart. Quite a cute rendition of Mahalai Hehehe.

Okay I was doing some testing when reworking the minigame. I mentioned some changed mechanics like no longer need to mouse hover and raged animation will follow Siggy's icon instead.

Here's a dev screenie of what it currently looks like: 

I did some adjustments with the icon sizes.

There's no Bloodhunter Icon yet in this debug screenie, but you can already see Siggy's normal, chased and attacking icons.

Anyway, as I kept on testing the minigame and after having a fuck ton of complaints with how difficult it was, I wondered if it was the appropriate minigame for the scenes specially since the minigame itself was literally in the way of the sex scene for anyone to fap or enjoy.

So before I go on ahead and continue to code the new minigame mechanic above, I was thinking of spicing its actual gameplay a bit with a better idea and sex scene transition. Not to mention no longer having to ultra spam click to win it.

Anyway this is something I am just mulling over and is not a final decision. In fact, I skipped coding the minigame and went on to another task until we have further discussed this. I am only presenting it as an alternative because this new idea and the old will probably both take 3-4 days to finish. (With the new version having placeholders til I can close a deal with the animator applicants.)


So, right after Siggy gets sexzattacked, gets her armor shattered and have entered the sexzone where no one will be allowed to interrupt but the involved; 

(Imagine Faceless Void's chrono sphere if you play Dota. Only both of you can move in the zone. or kinda like trial by combat. A sacred tradition thing.)

Anyway, the scene will automatically take you to to the new minigame and by default RESIST the follow up rape attack:


Scene above will be animated. 

Siggy will stand up from the fall as the enemy comes into the screen.

You, puppeteer must focus and evade or submit her to the enemy.

To explain the mechanic, in the original minigame, it usually takes 30-45 seconds of clicking to win or lose the game. In this minigame idea, the enemy will attempt to attack you 3 times (up to six on later enemies) and once you get hit, you've already lost the minigame and will redirect the scene to the rape department.

To win the minigame, you must observe the enemy as they will randomly throw attacks of 3 different types. Usually, there's a pattern or body language to read for you to react the correct evasion move. Example, the Ganker / Devourer above will look at Siggy's feet for a brief moment before doing a sweep attack. Signaling you to JUMP to evade it.


Harder monsters will confuse you or throw feints to make the minigame challenging later on.

Here's a few more sketches with other enemies:

Blood hunter doing a straight punch. DUCK!

Rapevine ground spike attack... WEAVE! Now, there will be some evasive moves that can dodge two types of attacks. Like WEAVE and DUCK will evade Blood hunter's straight punch, but NOT JUMP!

Timing is not going to be super strict since you only have one chance to evade. (Will become 2-3 chances but we'll save that for DASH edition or if the vanilla requires it sooner. Or never if the minigame can prove itself balanced.)

EDIT:Forgot to mention, If you win the minigame, you mitigate the damage and Siggy will have a simple attack animation kicking the enemy's butt, getting a free counter damage and stun to that enemy! 


It works like this... you can surrender and press it anytime, but the later you press it, the weaker the bonus you will get. So if you plan to indulge and powerup, you can press it before the enemy attacks for the first time. 

(or later if you think the enemy has some tricks up his sleeve. Bloodhunter punch timing becomes random OMG)

If you ever lose and Siggy gets violated like any other day, it will be like how the original Indulge works. You just watch and end it whenever you desire so. (And taking the intended damage afterwards.)

Now, if we do go with this, remember it will be in the next playable demo as sketch placeholders until we get an animator to commission the sprites to.

For now, I've moved on to a different task until I hear your thoughts about this. Just for reference' sake and rough estimation, you can vote your thoughts, but I would prefer it if you voiced your opinions and discuss it here. I can also see your pledge tier easier that way for voice weight.


-kReig out!   




This new idea would add a whole new layer of depth to the gameplay and sounds really tempting. Of course, it does look like it will require a lot more effort to get these new attack animations done for every new enemy, but since you have constant contact with your animators, you know better than anyone how long it would take them. This might look like feature creep to some, but I say, if you trust you and your team can handle it, then go for it! Also, I suppose the new resist mechanic makes more sense context-wise, since Siggy is actually resisting and trying to fight back.


I like the idea for the new minigame and I'd be fine with the demo being delayed if need be. Love the updates by the way!


So much yes! It would be a very unique mechanic, and for ease possibly have a way to toggle it on/off in options? For those who wouldn't want to do it.


He did say both of these options would take 3-4 days to be implemented anyway. Also, the new minigame will probably be gradually worked on and not cause any unexpected delays, like coding or animating the main, more detailed scenes tend to.


I would definitely prefer this style of mechanic when it comes to the "resist" option. I really didn't prefer the scene being covered up, and I don't find the idea of a little Siggy icon to be that visually interesting. I would rather have the dodging sequence and if I fail, I still get to see a sex scene in full view ;D I also think the indulging becoming weaker makes a lot of sense. Realizing u messed up and then choosing indulge should definitely give u less of a buff. This is definitely the weakest area of the game right now, and while it might seem like lots of extra work and time, it will give us a better combat experience that won't get as boring when we're hours into the game!


The new mechanic sounds far better than anything I've seen yet in the wide world of pervy games! Also, will the indulge and lost minigame animations be the same or will they differ in some way? Apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere.


I think the idea of this new minigame is really good. It doesn't cover up the action and it is pretty simple, yet clear and probably effective.


I like quicktime events, so this suits me. It would be interesting having to get to know enemy tells as well.


I was sort of dreading the idea of the other one being the rape mini game, you are right, totally covers the action and makes it hard to enjoy. This new idea is so much better!


Your new resist mechanic is awesome!

Scott Henderson

I actually love this idea. I can never say no to more creative gameplay. Besides, spam clicking always makes my wrist start to hurt after a while...I am in full support of it.


I'm personally not a fan but reading the other comments it seems I'm in the minority. My major concern between segmented sense is the transition factor; you are making a game within a game leading to a reward/punishment scene which I feel just messes with the flow . I definitely want the high quality H scenes and I understand that a lack of interactivity in those scenes would fit peoples 'needs' more, but I can't help feeling it slows everything down a bit much to go from one combat to another combat to an H scene with no interactivity. Those are just my thoughts anyway, and like I said I seem to be in the minority, I understand if you guys decided to go for it

Zachary Jacobson

I must confess, spam clicking is NOT what I'm looking forward to with an H game. I like this new resist mechanic, since it awards skill and lessens reliance upon distracting minigames when you came here for the fun animations... So I'm totally in favor of your new resist system! Can't wait to see the demo and give it a try.


I like the new mechanic idea a lot.


U bring up a good point, it will be interesting to see how transitions between the segments will be addressed. It's good to point this out now because it can be taken care of more effectively if there's a conscience effort to make it work well.


I can see this working well since this has the potential of a small difficulty curve by combining some of the button presses to dodge 2 or 3 attacks in a row, like you have to duck, weave, then jump. Great to see something big happen after months of slow and steady progress.


I like the new idea. It also gives me the nostalgic feel of some of the older hentai games like Demon Girl where that was the entire game play of dodging enemies in a specific order as they came at you.

Jorge Ricardo Teixeira de Queiroz de Freitas

First, I'd like to thank you for all the thought you're putting on this. I really appreciate it :) Now, about the mechanics, the best DotA example for the new version would be Legion Commander's Duel (with Aghs). Which I think defeats the purpose of the sexzattack - so Siggy has to fight another battle to decide if there'll be another sex scene? Also, some attacks won't really feel "sexual" - like Bloodhunter's Punch?... I think the battle should be unfolding while the sex scene is running, which give the player a sense of urgency. Now, I'm not really a big fan of the current battle mechanics, where you need 1 million button clicks to win, so I feel that the changes you proposed above will make the game much more fun and enjoyable. People who just want to enjoy the scene can simply indulge, or not bother with the mouse at all.


I've been fairly vocal about suggesting not to expand the project's scope... but even I have to admit that this version would make a lot more sense and most likely work better.


Well the game is going to be a semi-rpg so it will eventually expand feature wise, and if by scope you mean animations, I'll be hiring more help for that department. And yeah a lot of thought was poured into this even up to now. In the long run, it will be easier to manage this gameplay compared to doing a fuck ton of math to spice up the old minigame.


Haha yeah giving Siggy aghs would totally break the game. On a serious note, the minigame should be just a quick interruption before the actual sex scene.


there will be 3 scenes per enemy now. Indulge, Lost, and Gameover


I honestly wanted to avoid the math and future math regarding the icon AI. I knew I have to replace it with a better option and better visual representation. I also have a lot of animator contacts but living in a very religious country removes the option to hire them for the game. But some will be willing to do now if I give them non sexual / nude work so this new mechanic is perfect for that.


I feel like this new idea might not detract from the immersion as much. I always found it a tiny bit jarring to suddenly have floating Icons and having to click madly when the rrst of the game is nothing like that.


I think this minigame will be much more fun to play, I wouldn't want to get carpel tunnel from both fapping AND clicking


I like the mini game idea but, I agree with you about the fap issue jeje. I think the idea could work better if instead a "avoid/attack mini game issue" you turn it into a "teasing mini game". Let me explain (I hope I can do it, of course XD) but, lets say, once you fall into the enemy attack range you enter the mini game where the monster already captured siggy by the waist, but she is struggling to scape. The monster tries to hold siggy's boobs (or hands/legs, etc) but, if you react fast, then you avoid it 2 or 3 times, then you scape but if the monster sucess to finally grab you, then the sex scene starts. What do you think?


I'm all for the EVA minigame. It seems much more interactive as compared to the clicker game. It's more likely to be a little simpler ad well for those who are trying for a completion as opposed to just playing only for the h-scenes.


I am for this new version.