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Hey everyone, kReig here. Getting some good health results now as I get more sleep, Tho I am posting this at 3am... still having a hard time sleeping early. Old habits die hard. I get 8-10 hours of sleep everyday tho.

Anyway, no more redshits and I can stay for up to 5 hours in front the computer now without getting dizzy. Again thanks to everyone concerned. Sorry I had to carry over this ailment I developed from previous self-employment adventures.

Anyway, I had this interesting comment from Ayra... Stark?

Health first! With that said, is it really a good idea to have separate animations for indulge? I mean, sure I'd like to see them myself, but that's be basically doubling the number of animations to do. As you mentioned, you are making a game, yet this would take a humongous amount of work that is not game-related. Feature creep is the #1 killer of games, and I'd personally vote against that feature for this reason.

I catch your drift, Ayra. But after sometime, I did realize that it's actually a porn game and people mostly supported it for that. Also, in the DASH edition, it will be the original scene count plan anyway, so in a sense I am doing DASH edition as I go. When the game gets finished, I'll probably make a new IP game while the animator add more scenes for Divine Arms. I may even invite other animators for those extra scenes. Also, as another longtime supporter, MartinX said, we get more hentai scenes this way.

And speaking of animator, since he's working full time, I ALWAYS NEED to give him work anyway. This is actually one of the reasons why the next demo gets delayed. When working on another aspect of the game like game-design or coding, once the animator runs out of stuff to do, I need to lay something out ASAP for him to animate before I could go back to what I was previously doing. The reason why I allow something as such is... well it's hentai work and these are all gonna be actual scenes for the game. The problem was that when it gets back to me animated, it comes back RAW as I sent it, so I still need to do the shading, coloring and other stuff which takes a ton of time. (fucking rapevine scene...)

But, that will change starting this Indulge scene because I will be sending him the layout as a whole. Fully colored and shaded with most of the details. After getting all the RAW animations he sent back to me, I finally learned how he does things so I am adapting to his own work-style. And he's to continuously adapt to mine.

I Just hope he does not go suicidal and shit, because this will be hard to animate. 




kReig out!




So should we still be expecting the upcoming demo before your b-day in July? I believe that's what u said in your last post. I understand the issue with sticking to dates, but u seemed pretty specific on this one.


"I hope he doesn't go suicidal and shit." Lol, I really hope so, too. I've been looking forward to this for awhile. I don't wanna see an obituary in the credits of a hentai game. That would make for an awkward fap.


Woah! The Indluge Option looks sooo good. (well the artwork of it anyway) I can't wait untill we can check out another demo for bugs and such.

Zachary Jacobson

That's beautiful work, Viper. Damn fine, you're doing an EXCELLENT job. Good on you!


I guess the wording is a bit confusing - he probably meant "why the next demo got delayed" (in the past). I doubt he would push back the date so casually in a post, haha.


I remember someone mentioned that he didn't like how in the normal scenes Siggy doesn't seem "into it". Although that sounds like a really odd complaint considering the nature of hentai, adding awesome-looking indulge scenes like the one above will add more variety and satisfy such personal tastes. Even more reason why it's good to have them in the game!

Lawrence Fishburner

Its been a long while since i've played the demo, and this art looks really good so I have to ask, how much progress has the game made lately? Also has speed control been added to the sex scenes yet? That was one of the very few things that irked me about the demo


Holy crap that's beautiful x.X


looks great and good to heard you are doing well :)


Hey kReig, Great to hear that you are feeling better. Bloody poops and dizzy times in front of a computer are no good. Not for you, and ultimately, not for us as players of your game. I have to say that I agree with your choice to add more hentai to the game. After all, the game as it stands might be fun to play for a while if it were SFW, but it would not have nearly the same draw, or lasting appeal. For that reason, as much as I would like to say "I just want both," if it's a choice between more hentai or more "game," I'll be thinking with my lower head and chose the extra hentai rout almost every time. As it is, I think we are getting both with this game, and I wish you the best and intend to continue supporting you for as long as you are active and I am able. :3


Is this just a picture?


Cool :D


So many shadows/lights in this one. Looks very nice! I can't wait to see it animated! o_O

Scott Henderson

I fall in love with this woman every time I see her again...well, I guess not exactly. But damn I love your art style. She's such a gorgeous character. Can't wait to see this animated.


Personally I love it when the girl is actually into it, but it wouldn't make sense to make her happy about being raped. When she's forced to enjoy it by a higher power tho... ;3 Can't wait to see the game out!

Scott Henderson

From what tiny information I gathered from the demo, she actually enjoys being dominated sexually. It's just the one enemy she ran into happens to have tentacles which she's not a fan of (supposedly). I would also talk about her being Pagan but I don't know a lot about that to begin with.


Nah, not Stark! Anyway, I do prefer gameplay over h-content personally, but I'm certainly willing to bow down to the majority's decision. Besides, you know your project and workflow more than I do! So no more "complaining" from me. PS: I have to admit that art is pretty amazing!


Your game is a fucking joke. Seriously. There is no way to even finish the tutorial because it bugs out and crashes. what a fucking joke. its a surprise you even have patrons, much like S-Purple/Schwig


Nice attempt at trolling - the tutorial is perfectly finishable, Divine Arms in general has the most advanced gameplay mechanics in any H-game I've ever played and the animation quality is absolute top-notch. The only joke here is your comment and comparing the creator to S-purple.


Great job