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What's your stance on NFT's? 

I ask since I see it as a way to fund development for Divine Arms next year.
(Forbidden Arms is near core completion so Divine Arms can start/continue development)

At the moment, the campaign is barely getting enough funding through Patreon and to get people to work on DA (Animators, Modelers, Music and VA's) it would not be possible at the current state. After taxes and fees, I'm barely getting 1k usd on Patron support.

Would anyone here mind, specially concurrent supporters if I tip my toes on NFT's?
Should I go the drawing commissions route as well to get by?
Will you cease support if I decide to go to the crypto darkside?

Aside from the financial crisis, my other stance on this is that patreon has been strict when it comes to credit card rules. Being a nsfw creator, i and many have been policed on what and what not to do. 

If the nft path will eventually overtake what patreon provides, then I will no longer be gimped of creative output on the game.

Just doing vanilla takes the soul out of what i have envisioned.
Forbidden Arms was designed to be vanilla just to please the terms of service.

Please comment your suggestions and takes because it will help in deciding to do it or not.

Thanks for the support and I hope you understand why this even come to mind.

-kReig out!




I wouldn't mind. Whatever you feel will allow you to continue creating these games is what I support.


I'd still continue my support.


I wouldn't mind. will continue to support


Divine arms is a great game. I'll support anything you do as long as in the end, you can provide more games like this, with those exciting graphics, scenes and mechanisms 👍🏼


I would still support you. I don't care much for NFTs. As long as you are not doing harmful things to others, I don't mind how you get extra funding.


Some of my patreon moved to subscribestar. I don't know if the policy is better there tho. Anyway, do as you like :)


copy pasta from discord: Ok, I have now given this some deep thoughts over the past week. I have made some NFT-able stuff and will TRY it. But it probably won't be something I can focus on. If it shows promise and could really help support game development, then I'll continue giving it a few days of the month of attention as long as it helps out significantly, but if the time invested in it won't go stonks, then I'll most likely stop and just focus on commissions as an extra funding method. I agree on both the pros and cons of this new age crypto tech and i still believe its here to stay for better or worse. At the moment, the scale that tilts my interest upon it is with the anonymity and freedom from banks banning adult stuff just because its a minority market. I'll be open to it and again, try some stuff with it, but that's all i'll invest for the time being. Thanks everyone for understanding and I also understand anyone who will leave and sever support.


No others were harmed in the development of this game. Thank you!!!


What site do I need to go for it?


Your new enemy was a great addition, though I can’t beat that over 400 enemy level it’s nice to lose and see that S attack. It might be some time but I hope you continue your great work.


I would like to see the Divine Arms project continue. Your initial approach and concepts were well done, impressive and entertaining. If you think the NFT is a viable option, then I support your decision.


Thanks! You'll beat the 500 enemies soon for sure! Who was giving you a bad time? I bet the shurikens lol


Thank you! I did the full dive and it is a confirmed viable option.