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-known bug: enemy ghosting can exist. they can hurt you and you can't hurt them. this is a godot area physics problem lol. they are rare and will not close loop the game.

-Tutorial and story mode is disable for now because the sewer area (tutorial is being reworked with new sprites and designs)

We have two new enemies:

The Deprived. A common creature found in the demon realm that somehow gets devolved as it goes through the gate to earth. Simpleton enemies and are easy to be dealt with.

The Shino-bara. Belonging to the Mugen-Kage clan, she's a quick enemy that loves to bombard shuriken. 


Aside from the animations made by Daksky, All enemies have ingame prawns.

They are triggered randomly or with special conditions. It is adviced to keep a rage level at all times for situations like these as it is the only means for escape. While captured, you continue to lose blood and lifeforce.

For now, only the Deprived has an S-Attack but in the post cover above, we already have drafts for the ninjas and the boss.

Alpha 2.0 closes with these goals in mind:

-Finish the Boss and have it ingame.
-Add Boss S-Attack
-Add Male Ninja S-Attack
-Patch off all current placeholders (Avatars, Tutorial sprites and first town)

As you can see, i removed the boss' front teeth and added an extra appendage to the tongue to be able to realize the S-Attack in game.

Onwards Alpha 2.0-3.0 we add 2 new demons:

Rogue demons are agile and hits sharply but can be killed easily.
Bruiser demons are very tough and slow but hits like road roller da.

Initially they're shark/croc enemies in a sewer stage but since the tutorial is already a sewer and populated by Deprived, we'll turn them to proper demons using the animation draft.

With the new system I did with Godot, as soon as animations are done, they're fairly easy to add in game now, so we'll add them in chunks of two just like how I did the ShinoBara and Deprived. (Just as long as bugs don't hang out with me too much)

Daksky Prawns

New prawns will arrive mid November to early December, so once those get in my hands, I'll be adding them in as well.

Anyway, that's all for now. Will try to still follow up with the boss enemy before the end of the month. The AI will be different than the normal enemy systems, but as soon as its done, all bosses will inherit the same basic structure.

Once again, thanks for the support!

-kReig out!






When comes Version 2.0?


Just want the Version with Boss and more Sprites. I see only 1.3/4/5/6/7/8/9 etc all the same Stuff. How long we need to wait? Its Dec 2022