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Heya guys, just wrapping up 1.8 and it will be ready soon. I focused mainly on getting the lewds done this month, but I also got the cutscenes and events ready for next month.

So this will be the breakdown:

Tier $1 will have 7 available lewd scenes to be unlocked.
Tier $3 will have 9.
Tier $5 will have 11.
And Tier $10 will have all scenes unlockable including a cheat code to not farm for unlocks at all.

It has been a busy month. Getting all this done, recovering from an injury and helping my wife with the commissions. and once again thanks for getting her up to speed! She will be doing the requests soon but she recently got into a commission contract for a few months for a storybook.

Anyways, ima get this thing smoothen out so it can be released sooner. Bugs always say hi days before deployment. But I got this! 

Thanks everyone for the support this month!

-kReig out!



John Doe

But it's not though?


check again