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Quickie scenes will be added when alpha 1.8 is released next week!

They're loops that will give buffs but can be cancelled anytime by the player. Compared to regular scenes, quickies are just regular loops with no climax finishes. For now we have 3 quickies available as you see in the gifs, but we'll have more of these in the future!

1.66 version is here: LINK 

Not much has changed since 1.64 but the lewd scene selection UI is already there including all the catalog for the current lewds and quickies.

Most will be available this week as soon as I get the sounds and functions working.


Many thanks to everyone who shared and retweeted my wife's commission sheet, she's now fully loaded with commissions from paying clients. 

I will count the requests on patreon and on discord when alpha 1.8 drops so better comment those requests now: REQUEST POST 

Anyway, see you soon for alpha 1.8 and as always, thanks for the support!

-kReig out!



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