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Dev update:


or paste this in your browser: https://youtu.be/OvtA7md0Usk

That is me playing (badly) while trying to showcase the two new spells once you unlock the 4th level spell tomes. To specify, here's what's in it:

The Buzz-Lightsaw attack was tweaked. It now slows faster as it hits. I can't believe I just used the word fast to describe the word slow... coffee toxin must be fading out. But anyway, the more the spell hits, the slower it gets and the slower it gets, the more chances the spell can stun-lock and stick to enemies to kill them.

Do take note that the video is in the arena stage, so enemies have higher health there. The new spells don't have extra effects and sounds atm, but we'll get to that. 

The BLUE 4th spell is Lux Ambrose's Love Potion. Enemies under the effect are charmed and will attack their allies. The effect will take a while to sink in, so excuse how the enemies were not participating much in the vid. lol.

The RED 4th level spell is a pure wind cyclone. It is stationary, but it will suck enemies to continuously damage them.

I will show the sexscene vids next as I will be doing them next.

I apologize in advance... but YES, the update will be delayed.

The preparation and actual headache of moving to a new place, 11 days without internet, (Damn finally relocated this morning... it was maddening!) paper works and some unavoidable family duties have eaten most of development time. I am really sorry for this. I may even refrain from giving dates so I don't end up breaking promises. Again I am truly sorry for this. It was too much for one man to handle, but I will catch up!

For those checking out updates in the blogs, I've stopped doing so for a long time as I am working on the hosting services. We'll do all updates there and so we can also add the game for patron testing soon. It works like this: whenever I push an update candidate to the server after a day's work is done, patrons will get to play test them. Just be warned that it will have bugs and the saves will probably not be compatible to next official updates.

For the milestone GET, we'll be donating some of the cash for the summer spay/neuter campaigns. We'll also visit a shelter soon! I will post pics of the event. Thanks for making it happen! We'll also probably adopt a new dog. Not sure if I'll name her Siggy. lol.

I will soon reply to all the messages. To those who I owe pinups and artwork, I will catch up soon. Your names are listed already.

And for those who message me why updates take so long, please understand that I am making a GAME here with bonus adult content

A game that is fully animated. It's a semi-rpg. It will have more skills. It will have loots and items to collect. It will have tons of content. Do not expect quick updates because this is not a VN! Development of this game will take sometime, even further that I initially foresaw this to be. 

P.S: I have nothing against VN's. In fact I will make one after Divine Arms  and before I jump to develop another big project, as VN's are very easy to do. They don't have stuff like custom engines and item database and balancing like Divine Arms have.

Thanks again for the support and understanding. I am GLAD everything is back to normal now with my schedule and I can't wait to wake up and continue developing tomorrow.

-kReig out!



Great! If you throw a bomb in the tornado while it's working, will be an amazing killing combo!!


Wow! Video is really cool! :D


yep. pretty op. i'm sure balancing will be a pain in the ass when i get there.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, take your time. We all understand real life can tend to slow stuff down or cause things to shift a bit but shit happens. As long as the game is great I can wait. :3


xD still better then street fighter 5 servers!! keep it up <3


thanks! sorry to hear about sfv tho. i think i'll wait til we get SFV T Ultimate. haha


Thanks, I hope everyone feels the same way as you, tho.


I agree entirely, take your time with this game! Its honestly the most rare thing to find a game this good, let alone with the amount of potential it has. I wish i could support, but the only money i can spare is through paypal. Id love to donate 20 a month too. Do you by chance have any other accounts i can donate to? Patreon is a stickler for nsfw content being paid by paypal.


You got our support. Don't stress to much about releasing things quickly. Take your time and make us a great game :D


Keep on keepin on, we're rooting for you!


So will you have one big update when you complete all your current goals, or will you make mini demo updates that add the new content you have completed? Also, does this site have a notification system so I can be alerted whenever you make a post? I only donate to 1 other Patreon so I'm still a complete newb to this site.


I am not quite sure of notifications, but I think you got my twitter already. I'll post most of the stuff there and on facebook page. Right now, I just need to finish the first major update (mostly engine overhauls and two scenes) and everything after that will be in smaller chunks.


Thanks! As for paypal-like accounts, I've none, but I'll see if I can set one up sometime.