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Flash was being an ass for the longest time!!!!

But, here it is! Please enjoy and thank you for the continuous support!

I'll be taking a break for a week just to lessen work stress and get some proper sleep schedule, but I'll continue to study and work on the Godot version while on break.

if the attachments below don't work, here's a dropbox link alternative 

Thanks again everyone!




When the lag issue is resolved this game is gonna be pretty fast-paced. It's still enjoyable even with the lag. The mouse and keyboard combo for this game is pretty good. Controls were pretty easy to learn. The lewd scenes were raw, intense and pretty smooth. Girls who are good in combat and bed are awesome. Great work!


how bad was it? whats your specs? Once the Godot version is up, that lag will no longer be a problem.


I'm still on an AMD FX-6300 and GTX 970. It's a dinosaur but it's still able to play the games I like at 60 FPS. I'm the type of person who builds a system only when he needs to. The game was slowest during the boss fight. The game was still playable and the boss still beatable even with the low FPS.


The lags are partially quite charming. The game slowing down and speeding up feels like a bullet time and they rarely get too extreme. I will write three things down I did not like about the demo because I love about everything else even though Siggy was not in it. 1. Activating healing makes you really vulnerable at a time when your life is low, anyway. Is that the plan? And dodging sometimes changes the direction where you are going. 2. The boss... I beat hard mode. It is not too hard. However... it is frustrating. The farting attack is yuck, it is unclear where the hitboxes are and forcing it to its knees looks a lot like it is preparing the ramming attack. 3. Pinoytoons... He does good work, his animations are smooth as butter, the bodies are sexy... but unfortunately he can give his women only one face lifeless face. Nothing against him - I like his other work - but the style you seem to be going for and his do not mix (imho). I will be glad once your old animator returns. That being said, those where the things I did not like while loving everything else. The animations are smooth, for a fastpaced sidescroller the gameplay was very accessible to me and the artstyle I assume you are going for looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to... well whatever you can release next. ^^;


wow you actually beat it huh? that was supposed to be a tier 3 boss for the actual game plan. im glad its beatable.


"The lags are partially quite charming. The game slowing down and speeding up feels like a bullet time and they rarely get too extreme." - yep this is flash unable to keep up with garbage collection and just can't handle too much frame changes at once. 1.) the plan is to keep your hp up at all times, so dont wait for it to go super low before activating it. since activation require only 1 meter. May change in the future once lv2+ skills are added. the dodging in flash will follow the cursor still, but the godot version will give proper control to direction. 2.) The boss has 3 hit boxes. Body, Head and Horn. All have different defense multipliers. As for the ramming and hurt animations, the grunt sound gives it away. 3.) I tried modifying it to have expressions but his animation structuring in flash is different to what i'm used to, so uhhh i had to give it up. Thanks for the feedback!


Yeah, I read that you are planing to move on from Flash. 1. It seems the best way to fight the boss is to attack it in the air. If I get hit I have to get to the floor and get away from any further retaliation from the boss (probably by dodging which costs energy), then I have to run to a safe space while burning through energy or possible more health, activate healing, rush back to the boss and start hacking with abandon, hoping not to be hit or spend valuable time dodging. If I get hit by newly spawned ninjas or I have to dodge several boss attacks in a row healing runs out before it can be used and I have to repeat that routine again because it cannot be activated while moving in any way. Is that the plan to make it harder? ^^; 2. Oh, the horns have their own hitbox? That explains a lot. But the point was that you sometimes get hit even though it looks like you are safe. 3. That is unfortunate. ... and actually hilarious. :D


Gameplay is decent. I like the action animations. It is promising. The lewds seem vanilla though. I miss seeing Siggy ravaged by wild beasts. Sorry if I'm late to the party on that one, but divine arms is legitimately the draw to your page for me. You have gold with Siggy and I hope that you can continue that project as soon as possible. All the best to you, friend.