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So we're doing the Blood Hunter first as I stated a few posts ago and here's some of the basic RAW animations. Still need to do a lot of frames. The animator I spoke of in the milestone is home since august. (some friend am I for not knowing sooner lol) And he agrees to help out for part time until the campaign gets to the tier where he'll go full commando with this.

Since I launched the campaign, the rapid growth has been overwhelming. reaching 2K in 10 days, I had a hard time developing, promoting, managing schedules and paperworks and in the last week, I spent a lot of time getting manpower. We have another animator, by the way and as soon as he finishes an ongoing commission, he will join the ranks.

And with all that, I was finally able to design for the Blood Hunter enemy.

Here are the sketches: (right click and open in new tab.) 


High tier Patrons, you will get to see the raw animations once I'm done each time.

I will overhaul the game a bit and add a little flavor / mechanic I hope you'll like. - First I am going to remove the minigame and replace it with something simpler. If you get hit by a SEXZATTACK, you will again choose to ESCAPE, INDULGE or SKIP - ESCAPING will take you to the new minigame. We won't tire your fingers this time.

Indulging will be reworked. Now, every time you indulge, Siggy, will be able to get bonuses before the enemy ejaculates. She will now have a separate upgrade screen called Angel-Break. We will give more info later, but basically, it's her slut-whore level when she indulge.

In earlier levels, she will show a shy or angry face when you make her perform such lewd acts. However, as you break her resolve, she can make the enemy enjoy and delay ejaculation, thus improving your chance to get bonuses and also unlocking extra scenes for each enemy.

When you get to kill the enemy after indulging, they will now drop lewd/lust orbs. These orbs are what you use to level Siggy's traits that break her down to a whore new level.


As for the next game demos and updates, here's what to expect at the most realistic scenario.

At the current part-time level (We reached 2k because of a one time $600 and $100, btw, but hopefully the campaign still reaches full-time tier by January) I am going to finish all the commissions I have left as a part-timer to ready everything by January.

When I go full time, here is how each update goes:

One or two enemies (depending on number of sex scenes) will be presented via vote or by development plans. In the same month, sketches, roughs and mechanics will be done along with the area the monsters will belong to. The animations will be finalized (still RAW), both sprite and sex scene and show it to the right tier of pledgers as reward.

We push that update the following month to fully render the visuals. Load everything into the game as a whole. at least 10-15 days are required for me to handle the coding and further bug testing. Release candidates are sent out to the order of pledge tier. After a week or after the correct chronological rewards are done, we then, publish the demo for everyone else to play.

In the following months, we hope to get used to the schedule so things speed up. In the meantime, please be patient as I handle almost everything in this project and I am to deliver the best quality that I can muster.

I am just very thankful I have new team members now.

Thanks for the support and understanding.

If you have questions or complaints, do reply in the thread or message me.

-kReig out!

Edit: I HATE Patreon's html formatting and editing options. ugh!

I remember spending hours just modifying the campaign pages. They should work on this one sooner. They encourage using this feature but it's fucking buggy. This is my 8th edit on this post after having tons of unsaved info, fucked up formatting and other i dunno how it happened shit haha.




Nice job viper,keep it going:D


Thanks for the update. Also I wanted to know what code you are using. I have experience in java script for 2d and some 3d stuff but I wanted to what code you us mainly for this platform.


Hello Marxsus, this is actionscript 3. I suppose you can say it's pretty close to java script.


The angel-break mechanic sounds like solid idea. Yay for progress reports.


Sketches look good. In regards to opening them in a new tab, "right click and open in new tab" can be replaced with performing a middle click if your mouse has a scroll wheel. In regards to the $10 pledge, is only 1 payment required to get the game when it's finished? I am considering pledging for a few months, up to 9 or 10 at most since I have no income, and I have never pledged to anything before on patreon so I'm unsure how things work. Anyways, looking forward to playing the next update, great work so far, keep it up.


Hey there, well what I meant was how do I post the link with the script to allow people to just click the link normally and a new tab opens for them. I see no option right now for making posts. As for the pledge, you will be able to play the game updates, so there's no need to force yourself to donate specially if you have no income. It will be a bit late for week or two for you, tho. For the getting the game once finished, depending on the campaign's success, There will be a special version for pledgers. With a lot of extra content for them compared to the free public versions. The free public version is still a playable full game of course.


Hello! Just played your demo and already support you! Siggy is really cool character, but i think - she use too much bad words. She must be "punished" for it! :D


Haha poor poor Siggy. I actually feel bad for her sometimes as her character develops.


God, I just played your demo a day ago and I just had to support you. Great job. I really enjoy your art style. Keep doing what you are doing. :)


Thanks a bunch! I will keep doing what I am doing! specially after hitting the full-time tier. XD