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Hey guys, hope everyone's well and alive. Everything has been hard and scary lately in the same storm we're all in. Here's some news for this month, starting with pinoytoons.

He delivered the initial set and it is quite a lot of scenes now. I've been editing them one by one as he sends them so they work with my own workflow. There's still a lot of stuff to be done and edit, but it is inching to completion well. I'm also rushing in a new demo for this so we'll have about 5 or so scenes in.

Here's all the scenes so far. They're all animated and I already have a few of them working ingame. just no sound and moans yet. I might use Siggy's OG voice for Mayumi tho. Yeah, as one patron suggested, Mayumi sounds about right :D 

The dude here is PT's IP character so i'll need to change some of it. By structure of his animations, I can still dynamically change the skin color, so we'll have at least that in each animation. I sadly won't be able to change the body type tho.

This is the animated scene above. You can see the color change on the guy.

About Daryll, good news is his boss is alive and he will be paid for his work, unfortunately, that will be the last one he'll do for him because the company is in the brink of bankruptcy and can no longer keep 70% of their employees. For that, his contract needs to end by August, so til then he won't be able to work on the project.

So that leaves with just me to jump start it. Chris will be available sometime June-July and badly need the funds to rehire him, so I've no choice but to do this first. With all the scenes already finished, we'll have an arcade-slasher game soon! 

We're also using Origin's engine so this is pretty much done as soon as B-Spike finishes a few enemy sprites.

About its gameplay: The game is very simple. If you played Forbidden Arms, an old game of mine, it will be very close to that.

Mayumi will be helping Mahalai eradicate monsters and ninjas. 

Every time she beats bosses, you will be asked to go further and double your rewards but risk losing if you die, or return home, get lewd scenes and upgrade but start the journey from the start.

Every hour or two, the town will also be invaded, so you will need to return and defend or let the town crumble with some marketing consequences.

Anyway, that's basically the gist of the game. Sell this game asap, hire Chris the sooner we can. I highly doubt we can hire him this June-July but even on shot per shot commissions until we can fully rehire him.

Don't worry about Isekai Arms, though. I already finished some AI components there and will be ready for another tech demo in a month or two after I get sprites in as well. Sadly, the lewds from that is a bit hard to shove in my schedule, but coding wise, it's doing smoothly.

Going back to Mayumi, her animations are already in game. There will be some visual adjustments since the sprite size is bigger, but that's an easy adjust soon. The gif's below will show low color amount because of compression, but it will be super sharp and crisp in the actual game.

Above is her basic movement controls.

Above is her normal combo attacks. This loops as long as you have the velocity to catch up to the target.

Air combos are juicy in.

Hurt animation is in as well. We'll relace the punching bag and the green spearman placeholders soon.

Quick get up mechanic with good timing press.

Just like Origins, the FINISHER system will be implemented in Mayumi's game as well. The sprites and attack animations will follow soon, but its all just a matter of resprites and scaling adjustments.

Some WIP animation, here's here FINISHER super mode where for a brief moment, her hair turns all pink. 

Ninjas, monsters and all other enemies will spawn in the game these above will soon be rendered as sprites. They will be tough!

Phew, anyway, I hope things normalize soon. Everywhere's like a mini martial law.

I'd like to thank every patron by the way for keeping me sane and healthy in the lockdown. As you may know, I have been a very sickly person when I started this campaign and I took health seriously since then. 

I did lifting therapy that slowly helped me get work done and stay infront of the pc longer. This lockdown took the gym away and in just 3 weeks, I felt the lethargy slowly sneaking back in me.

From your support, I was able to buy some basic lifting equipment. Good enough to keep me sane and healthy! 

Here's me doing a 375lbs deadlift for a max rep. :D

Again, everyone thanks for this month's support. The whole family appreciates it in this invisible storm we're all under. Stay safe everyone and wait for the demo update for Mayumi's game!

-kReig out!




So um. FUCK yes.


Pinoytoons has been one of my favorite artists for a long time. Hope to see how it all comes together.


not to be offensive or anything but don't you think it will be easier if you focused on finishing juste one game before doing other project because that 's a lot .they are promising for sure but still


i agree. and because this one has all the lewd content ready and waiting, i'll focus on this one first.