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Here you go! [LINK]

If you already have the SWF Folder, just download the DA_v195f_Patch.rar

if not, the Divine_Arms_195_final.rar should be the one to download.

This fixes all the major and minor reported bugs. 

But please report back if you find some more. 





I was exhousted till 5 min ego. But Im very excited to play :D thx dude


There's a part with the gate that I need to keep spamming the attack for the lever to work. There's a gate... but the lever is on the other side, and can't reach it... Am I too stupid or??


Orbs spamming is effective, but unpredictable and it's quite exhausting for both finger and mouse (unless there's easier way to open the door). I wonder, how other players managed to do it?


I can’t launch the game after it’s installed and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong


did you get the rar version with the SWF folder? shouldnt need installing.


Still stuck on tutorial stage T^T Trapped in that cage right after lake.


Where does DA save?

Rodolfo Barajas

so I got to the first ooz scene, but I died afterwords, and when I came back the gate was still up from the fight.


How did u get past the gate with two switches, one of them being a spike switch? I'm stuck there


Nice game but way too hard and frustrating to enjoy to the fullest also the key binding don't work on me =


Game was working yesterday but now when I try to run it, it gets stuck on the map screen with nothing loading. Anyone else having this issue?


I tried it for an hour, the gameplay is so much better than previous version. The only thing that is frustrating is the you can't charge over walls/falls. I had to do 5-10 charge attack tries to activate the switches to progress the game. In addition, there were a lot of places I got stuck for a bit (like that lever over the wall on the opposite side etc.) a little hint would be nice. But other than that great game and looking forward to 2.0 ( a bit disappoint that there's no new lewd scenes but it's a minor issue.)


I agree with others that the game is a bit too difficult imo. I think you've forgotten that your target audience isn't for people who want to learn all of these mechanics or want to be too challenged. If this wasn't advertised for the pornography, then I'd think this game would be great, but most of the people here want to see that blonde bimbo get fucked in all holes. Other than that, great game so far!


I personally love the difficulty. It felt pretty good once I figured out how to do something. Took me like one minute to figure out how to get the switch that was on the opposite side from me. I felt really good once I figured it out and it was funny because it felt so obvious and that easy. I hope this game stays challenging. I am so happy with this game right now!


There is a bug with the camera after the check point. During the cage fight if you try to go back to the checkpoint the camera gets stuck and freezes. If you die it glitches you out and responds somewhere wierd

Kara Resch

How did you get past that wall with the lever on the other side?

Christian Storms

You, my Sir, have a fine sense of humor. Really I enjoyed Mahali's rant about a certain programmer. But yeah, I'm stuck at that opposite lever thingy, too. Would be nice if the TuTotems would give a more specific for that area helpful tip. And am I forgetting something or are those blobs not gonna... jump on Siggy?

Christian Storms

Almost forgot, and edit on phone ends up funny to read: Thank you very much. Get some good rest.


I am having problems with crashing during the sex attack scene. You might want to look into that.

No Way

I enjoyed the majority of the sex scenes and I think the gameplay is good, but there are a few things that really bug me. Mostly the difficulty. Enemies will swarm you really fast and the character will do basically no damage after just firing a few times. Spamming is kind of necessary in those situations, but the game doesn't allow it. Second, signposting. There were a few times I genuinely got stuck. You should make it a bit more obvious that you can aim under that piece of debris left of the gate, literally got stuck for 5+ minutes there. One switch you have to razorblade is extremely hard to get too, to the point where I thought I was doing something wrong. I know these things are obvious to you as the dev, but it was hard to figure out what you were thinking sometimes (no hate). Another example is guiding the ganker in the cave. Took me ages to figure out, though that one was a bit more on me and not the game. And lastly, you SERIOUSLY need to nerf traps and towers. Spikes are basically invisible, especially in the heat of combat, and often are positioned in an unfair position where you either seemingly cannot get past without taking damage (charming the first ganker) or have to weasel through somehow. And the towers are seriously rage-inducing. I like the majority of the game, but they need a complete overhaul. Their fire rate is insane, their stun effect only lasts for a few seconds and they are undogable if you fire and miss. The passage with tons of enemies and towers is INSANITY. Also, the purifying the crystal is only doable for me if I get really lucky and can get a run where only gankers spawn that can be drawn away and then tricked. Any other enemy spawns and I'm (literally) fucked. Other than that, keep up the good work.


the difficulty in most of the game is ok but god damn at the middle of the 1st level you die really fast and the part of the flamethowers is insane even you have to look for the beam machines is insane and no checkpoint so you have to do all that part again with no money so yea i got bored the 4th time i tried


No save game option? No exit from the level option? You lose powerups when you revive? btw, good progress, love the new features :D


Hey, I'm stuck even at the beginning where there's two layers of walls + another wall to open up and there's only one crystal given.


im stuck on the first level where theres a wall and a lever on the other side of the wall and the a dirt wall next to the wall with the lever can any one help me?


That ganker dialogue tho, LMAO


start you red charge (full charge) beneath the little dirt wall. then drag the powered attack to the wheel quickly


thanks for the feedback! yeah this version was intentionally hard. it's actually designed to be for later stages, but all will change. from skills to difficulty in v2.0


forcing a game over can save the game. pause to exit the level. the powerups? good call. i should retain it. thanks for the feedback.


So I've gone through the full loop but I don't have keystal for the "first" gate... is there something I'm missing?


not bad but are you sure this isn't a dark souls game xD, got past the lake to the spot with 2 buttons and a gate and it wont go down @_@


Was quite nice, finished the first map, had a bit of truble here and there, but learnt a few tricks as well to overcome the troubles. Btw I couldn't escape the upgrades and bestiary menu just by going back to the title screen after that I have to attend the dialog again than everything stops working.


Cant get past the cave bit with the blood hunters were you gotta charm to get them to stand on the pad there are spikes blocking off the entire way to even get a charmed thing up there dont make it impossible to progress the game without cheesing it because those spikes are just a nasty troll.


you will trigger the spikes. ready the charmed enemy on the blighted area. as the spikes go down, make your minion run

Christian Storms

Ok I'm missing out on the upgrades. After my first death *ahem* Mahalai said they were unlocked, but I can't find the menu. You do not mean that GoBo shop, do you?


i cant get past the read screen, i press ''close'' and i only get two girls facepalming themselfs and then the read message pops back up:(


I'm really loving this game. The new features are great and the difficulty is quite balanced even if harder, I'm impressed. I'm really liking the ability to control charmed enemies as it adds a lot of diverse gameplay, danger, and puzzles. You don't know how many times I've gotten killed when not paying attention to my PC, or I accidentally kill the ally monster during these puzzles. Some might argue, but not exposing all new mechanics during updates gives a big surprise. I didn't become your patron until recently, but walking into the blight the first time and getting knocked back during the tutorial made me jump a bit. All in all, a great and challenging game thus far. Wonderfully done! Oh yeah, that Ganker's dialogue was great! I had a good laugh there.


If this is a serious comment read the READ! one more time. Here's a helpful hint: Read the last sentence allowed and clearly without skipping.


Haha, reading all the comments, I guess everyone didn't expect you to be true to your word that the game is much harder. Maybe too hard for some of them, but I'm enjoying the challenge. Too many games hold your hand these days. Again, wonderfully done.


figured it out by fiddling with the files a bit. P.S. reading is for nerdz!


when you buy the boots form the goblin and you die, you loose them. but it doesnt say that in the shop. so i felt kinda cheated. think its better if you say make it say that.


The first time you encounter a ganker that performs an h-attack and it initiates dialogue the whole game freezes except the music. Ran through the whole thing 3 times.


nope. press space or right click on the map with the crystal. if mahalai forget to mention that, i apologize. bitch mustve been fiddling herself again..


yeah, it will be kept intact next patch when you revive. hahaha. gobu needs to earn a living you know


you're missing the SWF files. it should be beside the exe. it loads all the lewd stuff from that folder. should be around 183Mb


It was tough adding all those up. I think I spent months debugging but i'm glad i was able to somehow pull it off. there will be more new of those challenges in the future but it's probably going to be progressive. Glad I decided to scrap the aristocratic Ganker and added the weeb one. I am running out of time and running out of archaic english to pull off the elitist one. But maybe i'll get to add him sometime. the Gankers are after all from earth. :p

Matthias Zimmermann

okay i played the game for about an hour twice so far, 1 ) Difficulty: is probably how you wanted it, challenging but not unfair. 2 ) Dialogues: on point, good humor while still representing the situation and flare of the ingame world.(4th wall breaks are a bit out of place). 3 ) Artwork: is, and has always been so far, amazing. 4 ) What i dont like so far: i think the levels are a bit to long, but thats realy all negative i found so far in the game. Looking forward to future updates when more content like new enemys and upgrades are added^^ awesome job dude


thanks! I made it "huge" and "long" for fps "stress tests" but i'm gonna "chop-chop" those for 2.0!


I really liked this version at some parts but really really hated it at some other. Pros: Dialogs are fun to read and give the characters some personality which is nice. A huge level to explore. New systems like the shop. Everything else works fine. Cons: Traps are not visible enough. Try to make the spots darker and if possible consider the floor texture, that the holes are darker on dark floor like in the cave. That one section where you had to bring the enemy over the spikes was horrible, because it took ages. The enemy is slow and if it gets hits by the spikes even though it is immune it looses the charm effect. Either make them faster or dont loose the charm on immune damage. Fight difficulty was ok, but more checkpoints would be nice. While purifying the crystal at the end it would be nice if the enemies had a small downtime and would not respawn instantly. This would make the whole section easier because you could use any tactic except run around, ignore the enemies and try to purify it hoping that the rng is on your side...

Matthias Zimmermann

the part where both switches must be activated at the same time does not require the ganker to traverse the spikes^^ just put him at the gate and walk over the spikes yourself


i guess i'll remove the spike spots completely. /jk as for the crystal purification, you have all the time to prepare before engaging. cast 3 ice walls and 2 pyres before engaging. you don't even have to let go of the mouse the first try.


Hell I just held down the mouse without any setup and was able to strafe long enough to purify it in one shot. Just need to make sure you bought the gloves from the merchant


i think the length of the level could be made less problematic if you could choose a checkpoint to start at from the map screen


Ok for the purify I might have complicated things for myself a lot and if you put a checkpoint in front on the purify it is actually ok. If you dont have the glove or failed/forgot the preparations the fights will drag on for a while, which is not nice.


there's actually a checkpoint one map down, since that's the very first area.


I can't download the file,where is the swf file?