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Here you go! [LINK]

If you already have the SWF Folder, just download the DA_v195f_Patch.rar

if not, the Divine_Arms_195_final.rar should be the one to download.

This fixes all the major and minor reported bugs. 

But please report back if you find some more. 

I also hope the Mahalai Tier won't mind if I already sent this out to all Patrons. I just want to rest and I can't reply to 200+ messages :(





Final patch incoming. This hopefully fixes every reported bug.

Hyper Nib

hey viper! Im actually having a lot of trouble at the point where you have to control the enemy to place them on the switch. The enemy is too slow to cross over the spikes. Im wondering if im doing something wrong :/


you should place him on the blight to have movement speed bonus. then you trigger the spike yourself by getting close enough not to get hit. Now, before the spikes go back down, send the controlled minion up! be careful tho as there are more spikes after that one.