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Before everything else, do check the indulge drafts above!

Ok, aside from finishing 1.95 some technical stuff has been keeping me up since and I have come to a sad and unavoidable conclusion. 

I can no longer deploy the next demo as a single file.

This means I'll send it out with external files. Adobe animate has finally crashed on me at an absolute rate of 100% each attempt. It simply can't export and import files at the current scale (with some single object animation going for 400+ frames on an 800x600 per frame image) without bloating the production to a crawl.

The source file now stands at 2.3 Gb eating 8Gb of ram and always running at 70%+ cpu usage.

I should assemble a new pc to handle this, but I don't have the time to atm. Let alone I still use windows 7 and all latest parts are mandatory to use 10, else upgrading is useless in the first place. (or at least i heard and the last time i upgraded or bought a new pc was ages ago, and new tech always scare me.)

The base game without the sex scenes work and getting the scenes externally are also working flawlessly.

I will probably upgrade and re-install and get used to a new OS once 1.95 is out. but right now I just think it would slow things if I upgrade now. (just the thought of re-installing everything just drives me nuts)

Anyway, the external files are inside a folder beside the executable, so all you need to do is make sure they are just in the same directory and all should be fine. 

The down side is it will not help the game reach better audiences since most sites like newgrounds only accept single file games. If there's another way you guys think would help for promoting the game once 1.95 comes out, do tell.

Anyway, it's 8 am. Gonna sleep and continue to finish the rest of the sex scenes. (making the rest of them external atm) - I have not answered all messages. There's still a ton to reply to, but I'll get to them inch by inch.

-kReig out!




as I mentioned in last summer: overthink to change the platform. Your game also has gameplaywise(!) the potential to become more than a simple flashgame. I know the amount of work would be insane but as a longterm project it would pay out worthy for sure. The most of us support you for such a long time, I dont look forward to a finished game (honestly I dont!), I look forward to the evolution of this game - more skills, more maps, more animations, more monsters, animals whatever, I remember your idea with the cities and all such stuff (even if it takes another 3-4years :D) Lets be honest, with chris on your side as animator that could be an endless project if adobe wouldnt restricting everyone of you. Overall you and also chris (even if he dont say it or think about it) can say that this project is your baby so dont look forward to rush something, let you time, think, and evolve it can only get better you both can grow on this project. You can tell chris that too, if he dont read your patreon. Just my 2 cents


I might need some more dedicated ram soon if it goes over 8 but progress is progress!!!


so is there any estimated time when 1.95 might come out? no rush, i'm just curious.


This is pretty fucking hot. I hate to be that guy but her licking her lips after swallowing would be beyond perfect for those of us with the swallowing fetish