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Ack, really sorry for not replying or showing up since last post. I did nothing but sleep, eat work cycle hurrying it up to finish at least for v1.95. 

I am far from done, but I'm almost there. I think I still have a whole week to add the rest of the stuff Chris made, but yeah, this video shows some of the updates to expect. 

I have also been lagging behind the replies. I am really sorry, I'll try to reply to all of them tomorrow. I no longer have friends and my family misses me, but I need to finish this version. I'm sure they can also wait.

Anyway, if you have not checked the uploaded video, do check it out. I apologize if I sound weird. I hate my voice, too. But it's faster than typing and editing videos so I'll speak from now on for every new vid updates.

About what Chris is working on, I'll upload them here, check it out below.

 FBrute struggle clip:

FBrute Indulge layout:

Not gonna lie, this thing is hot. I actually TMI'd here. LOL

First frame colored version..
I'll sacrifice a virgin to get this up on v1.95:

in your womb:

First frame of the finish loop:

Latest stuff from the layout above. Holy shitballs!!

Anyway, it's 230 am. I really need to get some sleep. I'll try my best to push v1.95 this month, there's just so much stuff still left to do and I hope you will forever understand that. But I'm almost there, please hang tight.

Once we get v1.95 out, the new rewards will roll in and be updated. Beta testing will be available and even hating my voice, I will finally probly try discord.

Thanks everyone, once more for the support!

-kReig out!


Divine Arms v1.95 preview

New stuff coming soon for v1.95 - 2.0. I hate my voice. I sound drunk.



looks amazing. Keep up the great work. Of course i would love to see version 1.95 come out soon but take a break when you need to. Your physical and mental health is most important because without you there is no divine arms.

Harry Fox

don't stress yourself too much about it, you make excellent work compared to any other adult game patreons and you do this for such a great price as well, plus once this is done you can take a well deserved rest. Keep up the great work :)


Wow, so coooooool.


This is honestly amazing, dont stress quality before quantity thank you so much

Hikaru Agaki

This is perfection manifested.


We know the difficulty of making games. Just keep the progress, we will wait for your good news and the game here. (Don't forget your health. XD )


This is toooo much great for erotic hentai game... :D you did really great job my friend.

Scott Henderson

Fucking love tongue penetrations.


OK dudes, got some heavy good work done already. Keep faith, gather energy and make it happen pals. I know you two can. Graphically impeccable. (Yeah french over here) Gameplay with RPG merits. Just keep at it, make us dream and release the bomb as we scream "Alléluya" XD (get the reference please) Whatever, good job on this guys, keep at it.


I'm really excited for the Indulge sequences. Looking forward to this! But don't exhaust yourself my dude.


In the depo folder, will you ever add a folder for future spells/items?


Great work. Props for continuing this project despite all that has happened.

A sad 1$ pledger

Lovely as always, take your time and always care about your health and safety ^^ anyway i would love to see paizuri scene or somewhere creature make her breast become bigger to make that scene exploding


great work.... if me remember well, you are alone to work ? in that case you are too strong (sorry my english is ugly ^^')