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Progress update:

-A.I. Fix: They don't move as funny now, will idle a lot when not aggressive. Gankers will even sleep! They will also call nearby enemies if they're on the look out for you. (stun bug is now also fixed.)

-Traps: Removed the '!' warning and made them like this now:

-New Sacred blast attack skill!
Before, when Siggy fires up a Buzz-lightsaw attack, clicking while on cooldown does nothing and often triggers the infamous flash mousedown listener bug that charges your spell unintentionally.

Now, Siggy gets a short-range shotgun-like attack. It's not as powerful as normal spells, but it's very spammable enough to kill Gankers while kiting them. This does a small knockback and can even stun. - The Buzz-lightsaw attack now gets unleashed when you attempt to cast a spell but release before reaching level 1. Spells are also tweaked to cast a bit slower now but their overall power and utility has also been improved.

- Fungus Brute sprites are in! (AI is a bit a pain but, it's working alongside its scene now.)

- External SWF files working 100% now!

- More reported bug fixes.

Chris Armin will be back by Mid-January. As for version 2.0, as soon as I add in the minigame, game overs and the rest of the stages (fixed for how the AI works), it will be released along with the PSD's and other $10+ Tier rewards. 

As much as I want to finish it sooner, the holidays are making it difficult. Probably gonna take the chance to get some rest myself. We were also lucky to have dodged the last storm. (felt bad for the southerners, tho...) 

Hopefully targeting before Chris comes back, 2.0 will be out!

That's all for now, enjoy the holidays!

-kReig out!



Carter Parks

...So, I thought Siggy hated all this "ero" business...did she get into it all of a sudden or just give up trying to avoid it? What's the story there, Viper?


Is the "indulge" scene for the Ganker gonna be included for 2.0? Perhaps the rest of the Fungus scenes?


Means back ... BACK BACK? or... back to finish the scene and back back afk again... do I use to much back? .. I hope he is fulltime back ... And btw. to get you also some credits... you did a famous comeback again... I really really respect that, man... the Trap-change is something I look forward to, more spells are always good... like new animations ha... What btw happened to the 5$ reward... was supporting you very long with 5bucks, but 10$ ... I srsly ve to see if I can offer it... since 1$ just give me to less and I dont like to give only 1$ Thats like... "here you do such an amazing job, get a dollar..." not cool


Happy Holidays to you too Viper. I hope you and you family are ok now from all the troubles you went through


the fungus brute scenes are already in the 1.9 demo. as for the other scenes like Indulge, I've not added it top priority as it was not fully completed by the old animator, Rey. But I'll see what I can do.


Phalan, for the $10, old patrons who donated over $10 just need to message me for the link as I've been doing all this time. (I'll modify the tier reward description for that) - This new reward system is aimed towards new patrons. And the $1-$9 tier system just gives new and old patrons freedom to choose how to support. The campaign does not need more money and if I can lock/cap it, I would. Back like real back. Chris just needs a month or so break every now and then, so we just changed some terms. Thanks for the praise! I may not have time to reply to all comments but I read all of them and if an idea sounds good, I add them in.


happy holidays :D

Hikaru Agaki

Good Anakin. Goooood


Good luck in developing, colleague! Merry Christmas to all <3


Swf Still stuck on loading infinity

Eren Kaya

Siggy is impatient for you to bring her to life completely so am I. lol


is this update live? if so how do I update mine :3


great work


Do you think you can release in the 14th january because it's my bitrhday so it will be a really good gift


Ofc it's a joke continue to work on divine arm i love your and crish job so yeah :D See ya

xRed Games

Happy New Year and much success for your and your game. It looks really good, Cheers!


Maybe I'm just doing it wrong but the external SWF still doesn't work for me. I get as far as the loading screen but its permenantly stuck with "Loading: Infinity%"


this game looks SO cute! i love it! also check my page out for some adult content! see you soon xxx nina <a href="https://www.patreon.com/PeachyNina">https://www.patreon.com/PeachyNina</a>