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Just showing up for progress update. I've read all the criticisms and comments. I can't afford to reply to you all without feeling terrible and I wish to retain the drive I have because of what happened instead of it dragging things further thinking of the failure.

I'll just make it up with getting all the rest of the stuff done in the most possible working state and release it ASAP then patch the rest in the list. It is the best I can do with the unexpected shitstorm that hit me this month.

I apologize for all those who dropped and I fully understand their side and don't blame them for doing so.

So, here's the minigame screenshot with the struggle animation in the background. The minigame mechanic is simpler. You move around, click the enemy just like before to remove its MP, only this time it's a tag game, so you need to also move around avoid the enemy as it tries to chase you. Deplete its MP before it tags you and you get to escape!

Lose the minigame and this is when Siggy will only lose her armor. (This is all animated)

Which then will take us to the new animation manager below.
(Don't mind the debugger UI. It won't be shown ingame)

Currently, I need to add the frames one by one, but It's working fine as it is! I am going to skip the old vector versions for now to speed it up, so we will just have the Ganker scene when the Bloodhunter scene should have been displayed. My animations were 30fps while Chris' is 24fps. The game is on 30fps, so I had to do the adjustment whenever the animation manager is at work, so I really need to ditch the vectors just to make this work.

As soon as all these are holding each other's hands, I'll post a complete video. 

Catch you all guys later as I hammer back at this.

EDIT: In the minigame, I mentioned MP instead of HP. I played Nier Automata some months ago and I got inspired by their minigame, so when Siggy is on a struggle scene as she gets Sexattacked, she will be able to escape thru psyche-hacking. So the minigame suggests that.

Patreon's new upload image is nice.

-kReig out!




Sounds great, and don't worry too much about the people from before. You can never please everyone and that's especially true on the internet. Just do your best for the people who care.

Serious Pan

Good to see more porn. I'll fully expect to actually get to experience it myself soon at this point.


Those scenes and animations look great and I haven't even seen them in action, can't wait!


This is amazing thank you it's good to see some porn. This game is going to be insane I'm glad to be a part of it I'm very impressed with your work 😁I must admit I was a little bit worried but not anymore your doing a wonderful job thanks again


Looking good, don't mind people that can't understand that life happens. I can't wait to see this throughout it's progress and am willing to wait for a great end product


Wow that looks way better than expected... well done, both of you. When the game is finished in the future... there will definitely come a playthrough without getting raped once, cuz she looks so fantastic in clothes too :D


Is there a new estimation of the release of the demo barring any more unexpected hangups?


Take your time, as long as you still have a want to continue your art do what you need to keep that.


Looking awesome! I just hope the sexzattacks and minigames will be properly balanced and sufficiently difficult so that it won't be too easy for the player to skip all these amazing scenes. After all, you'd have to fail 2 times in a row to get to see the normal scenes (fail to evade the sex attack itself + lose the minigame immediately after that).

Wesley Gunder

If they left cause of lack of progress or not there expectation of progress ( in reality) that is there choice. Foolish choice but there choice!


Wow, a gape and a spread. We rarely see those. Thanks a lot man, you just made one Patron much happier. Will it be in the final game though?


Thanks for reassuring us patrons! I think the majority of us folks here are just too excited about this project sometimes hence the temperamental atmosphere. My birthday is at the end of the month and an updated demo would be fab though!