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Been cracking the new scene manager lately. Compared to my last fuck up with the ai, this one's doing much better. But here's what to expect for the implementation:

1.) I had to adjust the new scene manager because the first demo sex scene and the current ones Chris finished must become compatible when it comes to frame specific functions, meaning labeling frames with sounds, moans, looping etc. Which will bring us to one incompatible issue on number 2.

2.) Expressions. Flash runs in nested animations compared to Chris' traditional animations. Meaning, to speed this up, I had to remove the expressions on the very first demo sex scene/s. It may no longer return if it is going to eat more time to rebuild for the new sex scene manager. it is unsure if these old animations will be ingame anyway, since Chris will redo them. (and just gallery only)

3.) ViperV Minigame spinoffs: No programmer willing to dissect my old as2 files. I am that much of a mess with coding, sometimes I can't read my own, so I will probably do this myself after Divine Arms finishes the 1st season and do this as a season break instead. To be clear with seasons, Divine Arms is split to 3 seasons with each season having 12 enemies including bosses. 

4.) Animators for indulge and gameovers: I've had some talks with animators for these and they will start as soon as their current commissions are done. If you know someone or a favourite H-Animator is free for these types of commissions, feel free to comment or message me. Must be flash or traditional so it won't be a bitch to add in the new manager.

I'll be back posting progress next week and maybe i can show some videos for the new manager. Thanks and see you for an update soon.

(Header animation is an updated version of one of the blood hunter's indulge scene.)





Sounds really really good. And as I aksed in the past on tumblr: thats the right way, gameplaywise + animations the game can be a longtime-hit (adding spells, enemies, scenes ofc too etc.) so a season-plan is actually an extremely good idea.


God, I love how she raises her eyebrow. Looking forward to seeing what else gets raised.


Well lucky you, you can actually see the continuation (uncoloured) in one of the older posts :P : <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/storm-survivor-7589860">https://www.patreon.com/posts/storm-survivor-7589860</a>


I'm lost are we getting a new animator?


What build is the initial demo? I still have build 66 demo and was just wondering if the initial demo was newer or just had a different name

Secular Reason

Interesting. Her eyes in this one make her seem... not seductive, not angry... more like I'd imagine a S&amp;M girl to look like when she "deigns" to let you fuck her. I could imagine this as a scene where you the player CHOOSE to "give up" and she's like "Really?" Looking at the monster thinking "I could have totally kicked your ass if I'd been given the chance." I like it.


The oldest demo was indeed DA_Build_66. The latest one currently is the new public release right here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-demo-up-11414753">https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-demo-up-11414753</a>

Uzi XXX-10

You using to work for HentaiKey gives me all the respect i need to give to u


こちらのデモ版が気に入りパトロン登録させていただきましたが、STAGE DEMO V02 をDLしてもプレイすることができません 何か特別な操作が必要なのでしょうか?


なし。 すでに公開されています。 新しいリリースが公開されるまで数週間待ってください。 ありがとうございました! lol googletranslate


when the update complete ,is 11st july now


Wow! Cool animation, going to be raped! Amazing! ;)