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Bah. Just when it's ready in a day or two... I broke a very important stream of code files. I'll rollback to an earlier build but I already lost 5 hours of intense headache inducing work. I never should've worked on a weekend but goddamn coffee effect was too high. 

So yeah, change of plans. Going straight to the sex scenes now. Stage Demo build v3 will have to be launched after the new sex scenes are implemented fully (or when I get the willpower to go back to it after this disaster)  

The sex scenes will have to be rearmed to v2 for now. (will deploy as soon as 1 old and 1 new scene are done.)

Will continue doing ONLY sex scenes by Monday and throughout the month of June.  Thanks everyone for understanding.

-kReig out



Sucks, but no worry from my side take the time you need to make it at a level you want it to be at


Yeah, all right, shit happens, take your time, it's better be good with more time, than be bad in harsh


Set a timer for back up. Like physically copy/past that sh*t. ;)

Zachary Jacobson

Dude seriously just TAKE IT EASY. Ain't nobody winning if you push yourself so hard. Obviously you want to get it done, and that's respectable. But in all honesty, you need to focus on doing it right in it's own time. :)


Go take a look at the simbro team and not do what they did. Keep us updated and we will be happy. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the new additions


The thing with the scenes sucks, you never can be too careful haha, at least in theory when you make it again it shouldn't take that long since you already are familiar with it... But the coffee thing does make me think that you are overstraining yourself. Some people say that good ideas don't have a schedule, but your health certainly does and your brain will not be optimal anyway if you get reckless like that. Remember, you are fighting to win and enjoy victory, not to go kamikaze mode.


This sounds so fake


Those 5 hours are not lost. I'm sure you have learned a lot in the process. And when you'll get to tackling the problem again, you'll be in a much better position.


Shit Happens. Don,t be afraid, we cover your back!


You know Dropbox has version control built in, so if you get the Dropbox app and make it sync your work folder, you can pick any individual file and revert it to a previous version at any time. That way you have a backup and version control in one. It also helps when you have more than one computer or you need to work in a team. Mediafire and Mega probably have version control too.


Imagine if software devs new how to do basic software development...


thanks! new scenes are doing good atm. much easier than enemy ai.


yeah, but will get back at it on another day for sure.


i have backups. this is not a file lost problem, but an ai problem i tried to implement.


well sometimes coding is a good rush. like trying to make a monster like frankenstein's. the sucky part was when i flicked the switch to on... it did not work haha.


i'm not familiar with sim bro. what exactly did they do? like breeding season?


yeah, i got lost in the middle of the logic of the code. it was very confusing to a point and it sucks that my theory was wrong so i had to redo it some other time. and as i said above: well sometimes coding is a good rush. like trying to make a monster like frankenstein's. the sucky part was when i flicked the switch to on... it did not work haha - don't worry about my health, i'm good. i do cardio 3-4x a week and work no longer than 6 hours a day. (but i work on weekends when we don't have anything to do)


when you understand how coding or developing a game works, you're more than welcome to guess again. coding is real and coding is hard. i am fine with criticisms when they are constructive. last warning because i'll block you.


that is true. i got lost in the codestream. it just sucks that i was confident i could win it enough to show something sooner. but, yeah defeat accepted. luckily, the new scene codes are doing well. mustve learned something haha


ahah "shit" happens and you gonna cover me from "behind". jokes aside, thanks Jannes!


I'm sure you'll pull through. The game itself in terms of gameplay works nice, btw! Can't wait for the fixes to get put in place for the 3rd version.


its fine m8 take your time, also.... Who could say no to some more scenes xD