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Will upload STAGE DEMO in an hour or two.
(public post. image needs to be SFW)

For now, 2 questions:

 --------------- New and recent patrons-------------

Do you see content for patrons as you pledge or does a monthly collection from Patreon have to happen and succeed? I plan to do upfront payment when the next demo (with sex scenes) is done.

I Also ask since if I post links for specific patron tier, say a version for the stage demo with cheats on, would like to be sure real patrons get them.

I don't plan to spam email everyone for the stage demo, so I plan to just post it for patrons only and cheat enabled versions for tiers $xx+

 --------------- Dischord ---------------

Anyone use this? I remember using it some months ago, but if everyone's interested, I think I can setup our own servers for patrons on specific tiers so we can chat or when test builds are ready for bug testing and other early content previews.

  --------------- Animator Updates --------------- 

Ok, originally I have 2-4 animators helping me with the project. And for longtime patrons, you know that did not happen as everyone else bailed out on me. Luckily, Chris took the role. 

Going back to the animators I planned with, Divine Arms has around 30-35 total enemies. The game was supposed to be divided to 3 chapters. (12 or so enemies and scenes per chapter) Each chapter will change in playable character. (Siggy, Mahalai and Ashe) But with limitations in the tools, we might stay with Siggy til we finish all chapters. (But who knows. I'll see when I get there.)

Now, Chris is commissioned for chapter 1 or 12 scenes. Afterwards, I'll have another animator do chapter 2. UNLESS Chris decides to renew for it. As much as I want Chris to stay for good, realistically, I can't say if he's still into the project for chapter 2. So let's hope he enjoys doing Siggy (pun intended) and stay til chapter 3.

Game over scenes will still be done by me and guest artists, however. 

Still, I figured and I assume everyone won't mind the style change much since it's a chapter based game.

  --------------- Future Updates ---------------  

I'll prioritize porn from now on. Maybe after the next update with the sex scenes, I'll finish up the minigame since after that, the game is pretty much at its core and the only thing needed to be done are the rest of the stages and enemy sprites.

That said, as much as I hate flash now, I may stick with it for a few more new games in the future. Like I said, prioritize porn, so I'll stick with the stuff I know and master doing so we get no further delays because I tried something new. Back then I can finish games in less than 6 months, so yeah, I'll stick to 2D and prioritize porn. Doing what I did with Divine Arms made me learn a lot along the way but it was a bad combination to develop NEW TYPES of games with crowd funding.

Anyway, I'll get back to testing. There's still some fixing needed to do, but I'll upload it ASAP then I'll get feedback when I wake up later.

For now, I hope someone answers the new patron and dischord questions.






Well for my setting (aleast), I got message when my tire gets a post, only sometimes does the patreon app do some wierd stuff with sending me info about tires, I do not have but I can not see them when I log on to the app.


I dont back right now cause still looking to cut rent down while in college but patreon unlocks all posts when they sign up to pledge event if its half way through the month. I know some people have abused that to steal artwork and post them elsewhere so if your worried about that kind of thing maybe email for confirmed pledges is the best way might annoy someone but at least they know they got the reward now. I personally use discord all the time


The app is still really buggy, tbh I only rely on it to give me notifications for messages


As far as a Discord goes I would be in favor. I spend a lot of my day in Discord chatting and talking with friends so I personally would like it.


Regarding Patreon pledges, you remember what happened when you posted the raw bloodhunter scene for 5$ tiers, don't you? You yourself said that people abused the system by downloading the animation and then immediately lowering their tier, so yeah, I think you should definitely activate the "charge upfront" mode for the campaign. As for Discord, I guess the real question is whether YOU would have the time to chat with patrons, since you often strugge to keep up with messages and comments here on Patreon. Apart from that, Discord seems like a somewhat overhyped chat client, but if it means live chat with the creator, it sure can be a pledge incentive.


If you're still looking for an animator, maybe I can take part on it? I do my animation in Spine. Here's an example from my own game that I'm working on: <a href="https://lires.itch.io/carrotcafedemo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://lires.itch.io/carrotcafedemo</a> But if you're not looking for new animators, then all is well. :)


Id definitely go for the "pay up front option" a lot of artists I patronize use it and it actually makes things easier all arou d


well that was a long time ago and i remember patreon massaging me that it's no longer 'abusable' so, i'm asking if its really so directly from patrons. as for discord, i'll be upgrading to an ultrawide monitor so i can definitely multitask. afaik there's also mic available for it? so i can read in the chatroom and speak my replies? or is discord type mode only?


your works look promising indeed. we can try out for some gameover scenes sometime soon if you have the time. do message me so we can get each other's details.


interesting. perhaps for convenience' sake i should turn it on.


As far posting goes maybe host new builds / demos for 1 week only as a patron post and after that send via email/messages. won't be a problem though if you do set it to change upfront and let's patrons get rewards faster.


The pay upfront prevents people who try to exploit the system. Used to be you could just say you will pay and gain access to everything. I think they somewhat fixed that. But the pay upfront is the sure fire way to avoid all of that. A patreon I supported put out their statistics from months they didn't do pay upfront, and some from when they did and the values were more more concrete and stable, and less people cheesed content away from them.


In addition to that charge upfront allows new patrons to immediately received rewards and demos or people who might get paid at an odd time and can't always fulfill an end-of-month/start-of-month billing pledge

Ryan Higgs

I think a dischord would be a great idea, instant live feedback.

Kayami Kira

Dischord could be nice and for payment method tbh make it the way you feel safest as an artist you usually get enough stuff stolen anyone who cares a little bit won't mind the way you set it, me for exemple I'm broke so I go with the 3$ and I'd keep the 3$ going no matter the way it works :P (just anoyed by patreon not showing me how much i gave so far... or maybe I don't know where to look... so I'm unsure if I'm elligible for "X amount paid" Sorry for long comment and have a good one !

Wesley Gunder

I have no issue with pay upfront since to me I remained at 20 a month anyways for the past year and I haven't dropped from that support. My only concern is as that support teir will our rewards still be honored? Or do I have to pay more for the NSFW content, or am I mis-readin that?


Hover the mouse cursor over your profile icon in the top-right corner and click on "Your Pledges". You will see a record of all of your pledges/payments in the "Pledge History" tab.


Hmm. I can't find the "content for patrons", although I should have the DASH edition, now. However- I guess I'll find out, when it is uploaded.

Kayami Kira

Ooooo thanks I did not notice I could go back previous years !


I recently posted this as part of a comment: "I'm also curious myself if, for example, pledging at the $20 tier 3 times and then lowering your pledge gets you a total of 9 weeks of early access that you could use for 3 future demo releases (3 weeks per release), or if this early access only counts for a single demo release." So yeah, especially curious how the early access time would work. I do know however that the cheats perk is accumulative per demo release, as kReig mentioned here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/6792477">https://www.patreon.com/posts/6792477</a>


uploading... i have no sleep yet but i'll need everyone's help for this to workout. basically I'll post a public announcement for so those who did $20+ cumulative before can just message me so i can send the cheats version of the stage demo. - as much as I want to spam email from the start, i rather do that for the next version with sex scenes.


Not sure I'd call that header safe for work :) Anyway, "research" is certainly problematic when combined with monthly payments: since people are paying monthly, they expect something monthly. For a future project (or other chapters I guess), it might be much less stressful to have the tech stuff mostly done first before going to monthly payments. It would pay less at first, but it would give you more opportunity to learn and experiment. On an unrelated note, I have to say that for one I'm mostly interested in the gameplay aspect (even if the animations are stellar), so not everyone is here just for the porn :)


cant wait for the ero to be added to the game :3


I gotta ask if there's a full image of that header cause that's pretty smexy :3


Discord is great. I follow a few projects on there as well.