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How long has it been? Oh, my… Almost one year now! This painting was done between June and July of 2020, a Horse Tier commission that Kyropracter envisioned, based on characters and locations of the game Breath of Fire II. Although our backgrounds are different (I had a GameBoy back in the day, but I’ve never played BoF II, for instance), ever since our first e-mails I knew right away that we’d work well together. I guess we are both looking for similar things in a painting, like sublime moments, storytelling, or enticing interactions, a certain gesture, a particular kiss.

Back in June, when I started sketching this painting, I didn’t know that we’d work together again in the months that followed, and boy, I must say that it has been a wonderful journey, one that we’ll share with the world soon, starting with this delicious encounter between Katt, a feline beauty so entertained with her lover's body and jizz, and Nina, who embraces her hungry friend with her wings. =^___^=

Kyro, friend, thank you so much for the directions, for the ideas, and for trusting them to this fellow artist's canvas.



p.s.:  this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I’ll post it at Hentai-Foundry, Twitter, etc. in a couple of days. Since this was a commission painting, I won't post its RIF file.

-- UPDATE --

I've just realized that I didn't post the sketches for this painting. From now on, every time I have some sketches (even if very rough, like thumbnails), I'll share them in the same post as the finished painting.

