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How long has it been? Oh, my… Almost one year now! This painting was done between June and July of 2020, a Horse Tier commission that Kyropracter envisioned, based on characters and locations of the game Breath of Fire II. Although our backgrounds are different (I had a GameBoy back in the day, but I’ve never played BoF II, for instance), ever since our first e-mails I knew right away that we’d work well together. I guess we are both looking for similar things in a painting, like sublime moments, storytelling, or enticing interactions, a certain gesture, a particular kiss.

Back in June, when I started sketching this painting, I didn’t know that we’d work together again in the months that followed, and boy, I must say that it has been a wonderful journey, one that we’ll share with the world soon, starting with this delicious encounter between Katt, a feline beauty so entertained with her lover's body and jizz, and Nina, who embraces her hungry friend with her wings. =^___^=

Kyro, friend, thank you so much for the directions, for the ideas, and for trusting them to this fellow artist's canvas. 



p.s.:  this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I’ll post it at Hentai-Foundry, Twitter, etc. in a couple of days. Since this was a commission painting, I won't post its RIF file.

-- UPDATE --

I've just realized that I didn't post the sketches for this painting. From now on, every time I have some sketches (even if very rough, like thumbnails), I'll share them in the same post as the finished painting.  





Now who would commission something like that?? Hahaha! Seriously tho, every time I see this it lightens my heart and loins. Wow, it has almost been a year, hasn't it? I'm still particularly impressed with that window. I hope your fans like Nina, because there's a TON of her coming if you keep posting. I highly recommend commissioning Quaraci. He's the easiest to work with and so dedicated and passionate about making your dreams become a reality, more than anyone I've had the pleasure of working with. He puts more work into your requests than his own paintings. It's been a joy seeing the masterpieces he creates!


Almost a year =^___^= It seems a lot less when I think about it. As for everyone else: read something about BoF II's mythology and be prepared for some good stuff! :D~~~ This is true, whenever I'm working with someone else's vision, I guess I try to work twice as hard, so that it's all there. It's a dialogue, after all, and I do my best in order to communicate properly. =^____^= I hope I manage to incorporate all those new ideas and techniques to our Patreon gallery's illustrations. It's a work in progress, and I'm sure we'll all benefit from it. :)